Sidnee-Marie Dunn

(360) 596-5274
Office Hours: Spring 2020: By arrangement (WEB)
35 261

I love teaching and I love chemistry!  I fell in love with chemistry back when I was in high school.  It is still amazing to me that we can figure out so much about how molecules interact in order to create the materials that make up our world.  It is empowering to be able to figure this stuff out.  Nothing thrills me more than to witness a student “ah-ha” moment!  

I graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in chemistry and teaching endorsements in chemistry and physics.  After a decade of teaching high school I decided to go back to school.  I earned my M.S. in chemistry (emphasis in physical organic chemistry) from Central Washington University.  My research involved studying the mechanisms of organic reactions and what structure molecules have when they are transitioning from reactant to product form

I am genuinely interested in helping students learn.  I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, so if there is something we discussed in class that just isn’t clicking- ask a clarifying question and let’s go at it from a different angle.I have four kids and a crazy one-of-a-kind dog that we adopted from an animal shelter.  If you watch my tutorial videos, you may hear the kids in the background, and the dog barking!   My husband and I met during our first quarter at the University of Utah.  We were in the same chemistry and math class. 

When I’m not teaching chemistry, you may find me teaching or performing flute.  I perform in the area on a regular basis- I’m a member of the SPSCC Orchestra and the Tacoma Concert Band!