Campus Giving

All SPSCC employees can participate in the Campus Cares Employee Giving Campaign. By donating to support scholarships, college programs, and emergency assistance we all contribute to student success at SPSCC.

Electra and Percy

Thank you to all of our campus colleagues for all the ways you support student success at SPSCC every day! 

You Make a Difference

Campus Cares is SPSCC's employee giving campaign. The campaign raises awareness about student needs and creates opportunities for you to further support students by donating to scholarships, programs, grants, and emergency assistance.

Campus Cares is organized and facilitated each year through a partnership between the SPSCC Foundation and the Campus Cares Street Team. 

Join Your Colleagues Today

If you would like to participate in Campus Cares employee giving campaign, there are several ways to contribute, and your gift will make a big difference. 

Ways to Donate

You can donate via:

  • Payroll deduction. Make a donation directly from your paycheck by completing the Campus Cares donation form
  • Online. Make a donation by debit or credit card, allowing your contribution to immediately begin working for your chosen designation. Donate online now!
  • In person. Stop by during one of our Campus Cares events or visit the Foundation Office on the 4th floor of the Bowen Center building and a Foundation staff member will be happy to assist you. Contact the Foundation team at 360-596-5430.
  • Legacy gift. To learn more about how you can include the SPSCC Foundation in your estate plans, contact Amber Wetzel, Director of Philanthropy.

How do I find out how much I am already giving? 

You can access this information in ctcLink by accessing your “Employee Self Service” and reviewing your paycheck stubs. Click on the “Payroll” tile when accessing your Employee Self Service and then click on “Paychecks”. Click on the most recent paystub and look under your “After-Tax Deductions” to locate your current contribution. or; 

Contact HR for your payroll deduction information.

If I am already contributing through monthly payroll deductions, how can I reduce or increase the amount?

Fill out a new Campus Cares payroll deduction form with the new amount you would like to contribute and send it to the foundation. Updated deductions will occur on the next available payroll cycle.

Are my payroll deductions tax deductible? 

Yes, annual consolidated tax receipts will be sent out each January for prior year's payroll deduction giving.

What type of students/programs have the greatest need? 

The Student Success fund is flexible support that allows the foundation to meet the greatest needs of students in real time, and ensure every SPSCC student can access an innovative, affordable education.  

You can also designate your payroll deduction to a specific area: Scholarships, Grants, or College Programs.

What does my donation support? 

Scholarships give students the chance to pursue their dreams by covering tuition.

Grants help students with education-related expenses and basic needs.

Program Funds support innovative educational programming and resources.

Student Success ensures every SPSCC student can access an innovative, affordable education. The Student Success Fund provides flexible funding to meet students' real-time needs, including financial aid, equity programs, and modernizing classroom resources.

Can I give to two or more programs/funds/scholarships? 

Yes! You can designate how you’d like your donation split on your Campus Cares form or when you make an online donation. 

Is there a minimum amount needed to participate? 

There is no minimum to participate. Donations of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. 

What are some of the donor benefits? 

First-time donors, one-time donors, and existing donors who increase their annual gift will receive a Campus Cares branded item!

All donors, including existing donors who continue to support Campus Cares, will receive the following:

Entry into a drawing for prizes

A digital badge and a sticker so you can proudly show your support!

Where can I find more information? 

Check your emails for announcements, stories, and information about the impact of your support during the month of October.

Contact the SPSCC Foundation Development team or 360-596-5430.

Administrative Fees

As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, your donation to the SPSCC Foundation may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable. SPSCC Foundation's tax ID is EIN #91-1174940.

Gifts to the SPSCCF incur a Processing Fee to support general operating funds. The Processing Fee is assigned at a rate of 5% for all non-endowed restricted and unrestricted donations at the time the gift is received.

Additionally, endowments incur an Endowment Fee at a rate of up to 5% annually on the earnings of the endowment based on a 3-year rolling average. The SPSCCF Finance Committee may recommend to the Board of Directors adjustments to the Endowment Fee based on the value of the fund above corpus at the time the fee is calculated.  

All information about fees is disclosed on the SPSCCF website, in the annual reports and gift agreements.