The following FAQs, terminology, and other resources are available to help you explore options as you create your estate gift plan.

What options are available for making a planned gift to South Puget Sound Community College Foundation to help future students?

Numerous options are available for making a planned gift to build a legacy that will help students at South Puget Sound Community College for years to come. You can make a bequest in your will or trust, or designate the Foundation as a beneficiary to your insurance, bank account, or other fund. 

Before deciding on the type of planned gift you want to make, be sure to meet with your Financial advisor to determine the gift plan you want to establish.

What is the difference between a gift or donation and a bequest?

A gift or philanthropic donation can be made outside of a will. A bequest is a type of gift, but specifically refers to the act of leaving a gift through a will. 

What do I need to consider before making a legacy gift?

Learn what you can about options for planned giving and make a list of your planned giving priorities. Leave10 of South Sound provides helpful estate planning resources and information.

Before deciding on your gift plan, be sure to meet with your Financial advisor to help you determine the type of plan you want to establish.

Where can I find examples of language for making a bequest?

Ask you Financial Advisor about language and forms necessary for making a bequest.  See examples of sample language below. 

When discussing planned giving options with your financial advisor, you will want to be familiar with the language and concepts associated with the process.  The following resources are one place to start as you educate yourself about commonly used terminology:

Sample Bequest Language

Following are two examples of language that can be used for bequests.

  1. For an unrestricted gift that permits South Puget Sound Community College to determine the use of funds based on greatest needs:

    "I give to South Puget Sound Community College Foundation, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 2100 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512, or its successor thereto,___________[written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose."

  2. To designate your provision for a specific purpose:

    "I give to South Puget Sound Community College Foundation, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, or its successor thereto,____________[written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property.] This gift should be used for (state purpose) if and so long as South Puget Sound Community College Foundation determines that the need exists. If South Puget Sound Community College Foundation shall determine at the outset or at a later time that the need does not exist, or no longer exists or for some reason it is not possible (or prudent) to administer my gift as originally intended, then South Puget Sound Community College Foundation may, in its sole and uncontrolled discretion, direct the use of my bequest for a purpose related as closely as possible to that stated above."

Please contact Amber Wetzel Director of Strategic Partnerships & Major Gifts at 360-596-5379 or for more information.

Administrative Fees

As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, your donation to the SPSCC Foundation may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable. Donations of any size make a difference in the life of a student. SPSCC Foundation's tax ID is EIN # 91-1174940.

In support of general operating costs, a one-time fee of 5% will be assigned to all donations. Endowments will incur a fee of up to 2% annually.