
My name is Frank D’Amico. I was born in Brooklyn, spent most of my life in California and now reside in Olympia. I’ve had a lifelong interest in art.   Although I’ve worked in woodcuts, ceramic sculpture and digital art my primary interest has always been painting. While living in the Bay Area I exhibited my work in Ruby’s Clay Studio and Gallery in San Francisco, at the Frank Bette Center for the Arts in Alameda and also participated in Open Studios Bay Area. 
Of late I have been concentrating on watercolor paintings using stones and rocks as my subject matter. This might sound boring or mundane but when one really observes stones closely they reveal a treasure trove of delightful forms. They provide endless inspiration for paintings, drawings and sculpture. Who hasn’t picked up and examined an interesting looking stone at the beach?

Artist Statement:

Recently I have decided to get back to basics. I simplified my subject matter and art medium. I started work on a series of paintings of rocks and stones. For me stone symbolizes positive human traits; endurance, strength and stability. Other cultures have attributed magical powers to stones with holes through them. One was their ability to ward off witches. 
Stones are ubiquitous and can seem quite ordinary. But on closer observation can be very intricate and beautiful. I enjoy studying the varied shapes, voids, holes and color of the stones. I study and draw a small stone then enlarge the drawing to create a monumental feel in my painting. The contrast of painting something that is so stable and dense with the fluid and light medium of watercolor paint is quite appealing to me.