Programs Overview
Programs Overview
SPSCC has a variety of career pathways and program options. Take the 6 question quiz to see what may be right for you.
Take the QuizFor students who are new to SPSCC or returning to the college after two or more quarters.
For students applying from outside of the U.S.
For high school students applying to the Running Start program.
For high school students applying to the College in the High School (CiHS) program.
For students looking for ESL, High School+ and GED®, and other pre-college transitions programs.
For students applying to the Nursing, Dental, or Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) programs.
For students who do not intend on completing a degree or certificate.
For students younger than 18 who have not yet graduated from high school, and not in Running Start or College in the High School.
Ready to get started? We've got your back with info and events to apply to SPSCC and move through the steps to enroll.
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