Graduation Information

Blue grad cap close up

Graduation & Commencement Ceremony Info

Graduation is on June 14, 2025.

Apply for graduation by submitting the Graduation Application form. Apply by March 15 to have your name included in the print program for the 2025 Commencement Ceremony.

  • Fill out the Graduation Application when you are two quarters away from graduating, or within a year of graduating.
  • Contact your Educational & Career Planner via Compass for a review and to check to see if you have any remaining classes needed to complete a degree or certificate.
  • Applying to graduate is required to get your degree or certificate posted on your transcript, even if you're not participating in the graduation commencement ceremony.

Here are a few things that will help you as you fill out the form.

  • We'll use this information for our Commencement Ceremony: Your Name, Degree, Graduating with High and Highest Honors
  • For your overall college level grade point average (GPA), run a "What-If Academic Advisement Report" in ctcLink (login required).
  • High Honors are awarded to a 3.75-3.89 GPA. You'll receive a Silver Cord.
  • Highest Honors are awarded to a 3.9 - 4.0 GPA. You'll receive a White Cord.
  • You'll need to apply for each degree and certificate you're earning.

2025 Commencement

The 60th SPSCC Commencement Ceremony will be held in person on June 14 at 10 a.m., outside at The Evergreen State College's Red Square. The ceremony will be held outside rain or shine, so please dress/plan for the weather.

The event will also be live-streamed on SPSCC's YouTube channel.

Cap, Gown, Cords & Stoles

Cap & Gown

A blue cap & gown is required as you move across the stage.

Order your cap & gown now! Orders will close on May 21.

You can email the Office of Student Life to learn about used cap & gown options at or pick one up when you check in for the ceremony.


If you applied by the graduation application deadline, you can pick up your cords before the ceremony or when you check in for the ceremony.

Cord Pickup

Honors - Pick up at the One Stop (Bldg. 22 Olympia Campus)
Running Start - Pick up at the Start Here Desk (Bldg. 22 Olympia Campus)

Cord Meaning

  • White - Highest Honors (3.9 to 4.0 GPA)
  • Silver - High Honors (3.75 to 3.89 GPA)
  • Blue & white braided - Running Start
  • Red, white & blue braided - Veterans


Check directly with your department contact about stoles for:

  • Clipper Athletics
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Center

Check-in, Map & Parking

Graduate check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. on June 14 by Purce Hall and graduate lineup begins at 9:30 a.m.

The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. at The Evergreen State College's Red Square.

Here is the map of The Evergreen State College campus to reference parking and ceremony location (Red Square).

Graduation Disclaimer: Participation in the ceremony is optional and is not an official verification of graduation requirements. Grades have not been posted at the time of the ceremony and some students may have remaining class requirements.

Common Questions

Will I go across the stage?

  • Yes! We're excited to welcome you to move across the stage this year.

Are tickets required?

  • No, tickets are not required to attend.

Is graduation happening before finals week?

  • Yes, the commencement ceremony will be held before the end of the quarter. We hope this lifts your spirits and gets you ready to rock your finals!

What if I apply to graduation after the deadline?

  • If you apply to graduate after the March 15 deadline, you can still attend the commencement ceremony and move across the stage! However, your name may not be recognized in print or web materials.

Can I walk at graduation even if I'm not in the program?

  • Yes, you can attend and move across the stage at the commencement ceremony even if you are not in the print program. You will follow the same check-in steps as all other graduates and your name will be read aloud.

What should I wear?

You must apply for graduation for ALL degrees and ALL certificates. Some degrees have certificates within them – you must apply for each degree and each individual certificate in order for it to post on your transcript AND for us to order diplomas.

  • The posting of your degree/certificate on your transcript is your official confirmation of completion and will be posted at the bottom of your transcript. View your transcript.
  • You may receive messages in your college email or COMPASS with questions or info.
  • If requirements are met, your degree will post on your transcript the quarter after you finish classes.
  • Processes may take longer for spring graduates due to the higher volume of applicants.
  • Transferred credits will appear on your transcript at the time of posting.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the program planning guide, students must complete at least 30 credits at SPSCC to be granted an Associate degree or the last 15 credits at SPSCC to be granted a certificate.
  • If you wish, order Official Transcripts after your degree is posted for a small fee through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).
  • Please note if your application has been denied, contact your advisor, register for remaining classes, and re-apply for graduation when your remaining graduation requirements are in progress (there is a possibility of new requirements if there is a break of two quarters or more).

Diplomas – expect your diploma to arrive in your mailbox several months after your last quarter.

  • Diplomas are mailed to you several months after requirements are met, so make sure to keep your address up to date.
  • Diplomas are printed with the name listed in our system and mailed to the address on your graduation application.
  • Please keep your information up-to-date and email when updating.
  • If you apply late or there is any delay in the posting of your degree, there may be a delay in your diploma order.
  • Diplomas and transcripts are not released if you have unmet financial obligations.
  • If your address is NOT correct and your diploma is mailed to the wrong address, you will be subject to a $10 Diploma Replacement Fee.

General information for all degrees:

  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required – some programs require higher standards.
  • Basic Skills must be met – this is based on courses or placement.
  • Quantitative courses for Transfer Degrees and some Technical Degrees may have prerequisites.
  • Degree Requirements must be met.
  • Diversity Requirement must be met.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the program planning guide, students must complete at least 30 credits at SPSCC to be granted an Associate degree or the last 15 credits at SPSCC to be granted a certificate.

  • Ask questions about your degree or certificate and meet with your assigned advisor regularly and for degree progress checks.
  • Follow the degree planner/educational planning guide. Don’t assume you can substitute or waive certain courses. Complete your Diversity Requirement and all degree requirements.
  • Meet Basic Skills for Certificates ENGL090/MATH090 or have appropriate test scores.
  • Maintain continuous enrollment. If you take two or more quarters off, you will be under a new catalog and subject to new degree requirements in effect upon re-entry.
  • Submit a graduation application up to two quarters prior to graduation and not later than one calendar year after you have finished classes at SPSCC.
  • Inform if you change the quarter plan to graduate.
  • Make sure fines are paid and that you are current with financial obligations to the college.
  • Achieve a 2.0 or above grade point average (GPA) – some programs require a higher GPA.
  • Take a designated diversity class, a requirement for all two-year degrees.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the program planning guide, students must complete at least 30 credits at SPSCC to be granted an Associate degree or the last 15 credits at SPSCC to be granted a certificate.
  • Keep your address up-to-date. To update your address, contact or 360-596-5241.
  • Check your Degree Audit notes for information regarding your graduation application.

If you need help, ask us!

Contact your Educational & Career Planner via Compass with questions about degree requirements: