Registration Support

Get help with enrollment, forms, registration, and more at the One Stop on the Olympia campus.

One Stop support person smiles at a desk in front of a computer

The One Stop

The One Stop is home to Enrollment Services and Student Financial Services. When you come to the One Stop, you'll find helpful support and connections to complete your enrollment and financial tasks.

Key Dates

  • : Fall: Tuition, Fees & Running Start Verification Forms Due

  • : Fall: Wait List Turns Off

  • : Fall: First Day of Classes

  • : Fall: Last Day for 100% Refund

Before You Register

You can search the Class Schedule in ctcLink anytime (no login required).

Class Schedule

Tip: Schedule a meeting with your Educational & Career Planner 2-3 weeks before your registration opens so you know what classes to take.

Are you a Running Start student? Visit the Running Start Quarterly Registration page > 

How to Register in ctcLink

Login to ctcLink using your ctcLink ID Number and Password.

  1. Check Your Enrollment Date - Your Enrollment Date is a unique date and time that you can register for classes for the upcoming quarter. How-To Article >
  2. Search for Classes and Enroll - Search for the classes you plan to take next quarter and add them to your Shopping Cart. How-To Article > 

    Tip: Many classes that transfer to universities (which have the "&" symbol in the course number) appear very low down on lists during a search.
  3. Enroll From Your Shopping Cart - You are not registered for classes in your Shopping Cart. You must continue this step to enroll. How-To Article >

Ready to register?

ctcLink Login

After You Register

  1. Pay tuition & fees by the tutition due date.
  2. Visit the SPSCC Virtual Bookstore to browse and order textbooks and supplies.

Add, Drop, or Withdraw Form

Online Form

Need Help?

The SPSCC Student Support Site is full of helpful how-to articles related to registration and ctcLink.

Student Support Site
IT Support person stands with laptop outside of the IT Services office