Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA)
The application cycle is currently closed. EFDA Program applications were accepted February 1 - May 31, 2024.
Applicants must complete:
- EFDA Application with all required documentation, including payment of a non-refundable $25.00 fee
How to apply for the EFDA Program >
Program Information: EFDA (Healthcare Pathway)
Program and Curriculum Questions: Laura Moe-Genther
General Application Questions: Rob Masterson
Nursing Program
Traditional (Daytime) Nursing Program
The application cycle is currently closed. Traditional (Daytime) Nursing Program applications were accepted April 1 - June 3, 2024.
Evenings and Weekends Nursing Program
The application cycle is currently closed. Evenings and Weekends Nursing Program applications were accepted January 2 - March 15, 2024.
Prior to applying, applicants must complete:
- All prerequisite courses
- The TEAS test (learn more about TEAS testing at Assessment Center)
- The Nursing Program Application, including payment of a non-refundable $25.00 fee
The Nursing Program Admissions page lists all prerequisite courses and grade requirements as well as TEAS test scores requirements.
How to apply for the Nursing Program>
Program Information: Nursing (Healthcare Pathway)
Education & Career Planner: Eun Ju Livings
Program, Curriculum, and Background Questions: Marriya Wright, Brittni Kilborn
Health Records Requirements: Rebecca Swingle
Course Transfer Questions: Sheryl Kermoade
Application Questions: Rob Masterson