Information Technology Pathway

Associate in Computer Science

Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)/Major Related Program (MRP)

Put your passions to work in one of the most relevant and in-demand industries—Information Technology. Become a game developer, civil engineer, cybersecurity guru, or IT network engineer and work in virtually any industry and any country. Take your next step into our Information Technology Pathway.

Computer Science DTA Major Related Program (MRP) Agreement. South Puget Sound Community College prepares recipients of the DTA/MRP degree to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Think logically and critically
  • Evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data
  • Understand themselves in relation to others in a multicultural world
  • Understand ethical responsibilities and consequences

Quarter Plan

Search Schedule

Quarter 1

Students have several options for their starting point. Some students may start in our Transition Studies programs: Adult Basic Education, ESL, High School+, and Basic Computer Skills.

Quarter 2

Choose One:

ENGL090 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing I
Introduces students to college-level reading and writing. Focuses on reading strategies, critical thinking, and writing unified paragraphs. ENGL 090 classes are combined with ENGL 095 classes, and students who demonstrate ENGL 095 proficiency may earn ENGL 095 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or an �S� in ABE 054, ABE 055, ESL 065, ESL 066, IE 065, or IE 066.
ENGL095 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing II
Prepares students for entry into college-level writing courses. Focuses on reading analytically, thinking critically, and writing coherent, well-supported texts. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement based on Reading & English CPT scores or transition test.

AMATH097 7cr Corequisite Intermediate Algebra
Introduces the study of linear equations and systems, properties of exponents, operations on polynomials, factoring, and quadratic equations with additional support with algebra techniques.. Students should take this course if they plan to pursue a pathway that requires MATH 141 (STEM) or MATH 147 (Business) or if they plan to transfer to a university that requires MATH 097 for admission.


Quarter 3

Choose One:

ENGL098 5cr Transitional English Composition
Introduces strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. English 098 classes are combined with English 101 classes, and students who demonstrate English 101 proficiency may earn ENGL& 101 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement OR a 'C' or better in ENGL 095. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
ENGL&101 5cr English Composition I
Develops strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

CCS101 3cr Pathways to Success
Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners.

AMATH141 8cr Corequisite Precalculus I
Covers power, exponential, and logarithmic functions and analytic geometry with additional support with algebra techniques. Students who plan to pursue Science, Engineering, or Math (SEM) pathways should take this course. Fees: $12.00 Natural/Applied Science Course Fee


Note: Some students may place directly into Math&141. For students needing MATH&141, there are 103 credits required for the CS AA

Quarter 4

MATH&142 5cr Precalculus II
Covers trigonometric, polynomial, and rational functions and their applications. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

ENGL&235 5cr Technical Writing
Introduces technical writing skills necessary to communicate effectively in the workplace. Emphasizes written documents, successful teamwork strategies, and ethical considerations in workplace communication. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

PHIL&120 5cr Symbolic Logic
Introduces the principles of deductive inference with a focus on proofs in both sentence logic and predicate logic with quantifiers. Includes a study of semantic methods for testing validity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

Quarter 5

MATH&151 5cr Calculus I
Covers differential calculus of single-variable functions. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

SOC&101 5cr Introduction to Sociology: Diversity
Focuses on sociological terms, theories and research; the study of humans in relation to their environment and culture; and sociological analysis of collective behavior and social interaction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "B-" or better in ENGL 095 or a "C" or better in ENGL 098. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One Humanities (5cr)

ART101 5cr Introduction to Art
Introduces concepts and techniques used in the visual arts with an emphasis on art in the local community, other cultures, and the contemporary world. Fees: $12.00 Humanities Course Fee; $65.00 Art Course Fee
MUSC100 5cr Music Fundamentals
Introduces the basic terminology and symbols of western music theory, including rhythm, pitch, and the construction of major and minor scales and triads. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL&101 5cr Introduction to Philosophy
Studies major topics in philosophy, such as the nature of human knowledge, free will and determinism, morality, the individual and the state, and the existence of God. This course was formerly known as PHIL 101. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL102 5cr Ethics
Studies historical and recent views on such issues as the nature of good and evil, right and wrong, justice, rights, the rational grounds for moral responsibility and moral decision making, and the objectivity of moral values. Addresses both traditional and contemporary moral problems. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL&115 5cr Critical Thinking
An introduction to the critical examination of arguments in their various forms, whether oral, written, or visual. Coursework will emphasize the practical analysis of arguments in everyday contexts. Specific topics include identifying premises and conclusions; recognizing common types of arguments; understanding logical fallacies. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee


Note: For students placing into MATH&151, there are 93 credits required for the CS AA

Quarter 6

MATH&152 5cr Calculus II
Covers integral calculus of single-variable functions. Prerequisite: MATH& 151 with a 'C' or better. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

PHYS&221 5cr Engineering Physics I w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of motion, gravitation, and energy, with calculus. This is the first in the engineering physics sequence. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
Choose One Humanities / Diversity (5cr)

CMST&210 5cr Interpersonal Communication: Diversity
Focuses on understanding and developing interpersonal communication skills needed to build and maintain healthy one-on-one relationships in both personal and professional contexts. Examines how diverse communication styles can impact relationships. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST&230 5cr Small Group Communication: Diversity
Introduces small group communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes used when people enter diverse organizational contexts or interact in professional and everyday life small groups. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST240 5cr Intercultural Communication: Diversity (RETIRED)
Introduces intercultural communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes when people enter new cultural context or interact with people who have different cultural identities. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

Quarter 7

PHYS&222 5cr Engineering Physics II w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of physics relating to fluid statics and dynamics, heat and thermodynamics, oscillations and waves, with calculus. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
Choose One:

MATH&153 5cr Calculus III
Covers advanced calculus topics including infinite series, Taylor polynomials, Taylor series representation of functions and calculus in polar coordinates and in parametric equations. Continuation of MATH& 152. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
MATH&254 5cr Calculus IV
Covers analytic geometry in three dimensions and multivariable calculus. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One:

ECON&201 5cr Micro Economics
Develops a framework for understanding the fundamentals of price theory by applying practical applications of microeconomic analysis and general equilibrium models. Includes the analysis of government intervention in a free market and explores concepts in market welfare. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
ECON&202 5cr Macro Economics
Introduces fundamental models of macroeconomics and illustrates macro principles through U.S. experience in the global economy. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 8

CS142 5cr Object-Oriented Programming I
Introduces the design and implementation of computer programs, including basic object-oriented programming with functions, classes, and objects. Fees: $12.00 Applied Tech Course Fee

PHYS&223 5cr Engineering Physics III w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of physics, with calculus. Topics include electricity and magnetism, light, and optics. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
Choose One:

MATH&153 5cr Calculus III
Covers advanced calculus topics including infinite series, Taylor polynomials, Taylor series representation of functions and calculus in polar coordinates and in parametric equations. Continuation of MATH& 152. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
MATH&254 5cr Calculus IV
Covers analytic geometry in three dimensions and multivariable calculus. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

Quarter 9

CS143 5cr Object-Oriented Programming II
Develops fundamental concepts and techniques for analysis, design, and implementation of computer programs using an object-oriented language. Includes recursive techniques and simple data structures. Fees: $12.00 Applied Tech Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

BUS&101 5cr Introduction to Business
Introduces current concepts and structures of American business. Covers the functions of business: forms of ownership, management, marketing, production, finance, and the economy. Fees: $12.00 Social Science & Business Course Fee
HIST&146 5cr US History I
Briefly covers pre-European contact America through the Mexican American War. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC&100 5cr General Psychology
Introduces the science of psychology and the application of psychological concepts as they relate to everyday life. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One Natural Science (5cr)

Natural Science courses outside this list may not transfer, please check with your target institution. Consider ENVS&100 or ENVS103 as options too.

BIOL&160 5cr General Biology W/Lab
Introduces foundational biological concepts including cell structure and function, metabolism, genetics, biotechnology, biological diversity, evolution, and ecology. Preparatory for further studies including BIOL& 211 and BIOL& 241. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
CHEM&121 5cr Introduction to Chemistry
Introduces fundamentals of chemistry for those interested in nursing/allied health and those pursuing a non-science degree. Study of the classification, composition, calculations, and properties (both chemical and physical) of matter at the macroscopic, atomic and subatomic levels. Includes measurements and conversions, atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, molar stoichiometry, and acid/base chemistry. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
CHEM&161 5cr General Chemistry w/Lab I
Introduces general chemistry concepts, including bonding types, chemical nomenclature, basic atomic structure, stoichiometry, reaction prediction, thermochemistry, gas laws, and quantum mechanical concepts. First course of a three quarter series for engineering, biological science, physical science, pre-med, pre-dental, and math majors. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
OCEA&101 5cr Introduction to Oceanography W/Lab
Introduces oceanic processes including the physical, chemical, geological, biological and climatological. Labs include both field and laboratory experiences. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee

Revision Date: 
Monday, May 08, 2023