Artist Statement: 

I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Black Love show.  It is an incredible gift to be in the company of such brilliant Black artists and to be able to partner with and learn from De’Ja Marshall, whose work I respect deeply. 

The theme of protective patterns emerged from a growing awareness of my own negative thought patterns. As I began to work on the pieces for this show, I reflected on my use of the creative process as a remedy for anxiety and negative thought patterns.  Working intuitively on creative projects allows me to enter a state of flow which provides relief from the usual mind chatter as I center my awareness on image, color, texture, and pattern.  Intentionally replacing these negative loops by focusing on the healing images of nature and simple shapes allows freedom from the internalization of what society tells me about who I am. 

The space of love and protection I have created for myself through image making has become my sanctuary. Creating and focusing on protective patterns rather than perpetuating harmful ones has grounded and held me through many difficulties, providing a place of respite and hope.  If we can replace negative patterns with patterns that convey growth and possibility, I hope we can come to know what soothes and strengthens us. If we can transform pain into healing, I hope we may be able to be more present and compassionate toward one another. 

Partnering with another Black woman who understands the need for these adaptive practices around transforming patterns has been invaluable.  This experience has taught me that while my insular creative processes may have certainly helped me develop awareness of harmful automatic thought patterns, the connections we create by revealing our struggles and sharing our healing practices is truly what will sustain us. 

With love and gratitude to my ancestors for keeping me grounded and protected,

Cholee Gladney