Government, Public Administration & Law Pathway

Government, Public Administration & Law

Associate in Arts - Direct Transfer Agreement

Be one of the people changing the world at the highest level—advocate for the under-privileged, participate in political bodies and movements, develop policy, or prepare for law school. Begin by choosing our Government, Public Administration & Law Pathway.

South Puget Sound Community College prepares recipients of the Associate in Arts Degree to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Think logically and critically
  • Evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data
  • Understand themselves in relation to others in a multicultural world
  • Understand ethical responsibilities and consequences

Quarter Plan

Search Schedule

Quarter 1

Students have several options for their starting point. Some students may start in our Transition Studies programs: Adult Basic Education, ESL, High School+, and Basic Computer Skills.

Quarter 2

Choose One:

MATH092 5cr Mathematical Reasoning
Introduces operations with rational numbers, applications, problem solving skills, expressions, solving linear equations, and graphing linear relationships.
AMATH097 7cr Corequisite Intermediate Algebra
Introduces the study of linear equations and systems, properties of exponents, operations on polynomials, factoring, and quadratic equations with additional support with algebra techniques.. Students should take this course if they plan to pursue a pathway that requires MATH 141 (STEM) or MATH 147 (Business) or if they plan to transfer to a university that requires MATH 097 for admission.
Choose One:

ENGL090 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing I
Introduces students to college-level reading and writing. Focuses on reading strategies, critical thinking, and writing unified paragraphs. ENGL 090 classes are combined with ENGL 095 classes, and students who demonstrate ENGL 095 proficiency may earn ENGL 095 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or an �S� in ABE 054, ABE 055, ESL 065, ESL 066, IE 065, or IE 066.
ENGL095 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing II
Prepares students for entry into college-level writing courses. Focuses on reading analytically, thinking critically, and writing coherent, well-supported texts. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement based on Reading & English CPT scores or transition test.

CCS101 3cr Pathways to Success
Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners.

Quarter 3

Choose One:

CMATH107 5cr Clippers Math In Society
Gives students the opportunity to complete MATH& 107 in one quarter with prerequisite support as needed. Explores a variety of mathematical topics presenting mathematics as an art and as a tool for understanding the world around us. Designed for non-science majors. Specific topics may be drawn from geometry, number theory, set theory, and the history of mathematics. Students will earn credit for either MATH 095 or MATH& 107 at the conclusion of the course. CLIPPERS courses combine the prerequisite courses with the college-level course and are taught with a focus on video-based instruction. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
CMATH146 7cr Clippers Introduction to Statistics
Gives students the opportunity to complete MATH& 146 in one quarter with prerequisite support, as needed. Covers basic probability and descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will earn credit for either MATH 095 and MATH 096 or MATH 096 and MATH& 146 at the conclusion of the course. CLIPPERS courses combine the prerequisite courses with the college-level course and are taught with a focus on video-based instruction. . Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
PHIL&120 5cr Symbolic Logic
Introduces the principles of deductive inference with a focus on proofs in both sentence logic and predicate logic with quantifiers. Includes a study of semantic methods for testing validity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One:

ENGL098 5cr Transitional English Composition
Introduces strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. English 098 classes are combined with English 101 classes, and students who demonstrate English 101 proficiency may earn ENGL& 101 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement OR a 'C' or better in ENGL 095. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
ENGL&101 5cr English Composition I
Develops strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

SOC&201 5cr Social Problems: Diversity
Uses sociological perspectives to examine social issues and solutions, including racism, gender discrimination, economic inequality, and other contemporary public controversies. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 4

Choose One Social Science (5cr)

POLS&202 5cr United States Government
Examines the United States Constitution, the evolution of the United States system and the structure of the national government. Provides an overview of political culture, parties, elections, and interest group activities with special emphasis on current problems and issues. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Any HIST Course (5cr)

ENGL&102 5cr Composition II
Develops reading, writing and critical thinking skills at the advanced level. Teaches how to write academic papers by conducting research; analyzing, evaluating and constructing arguments; documenting sources and using appropriate writing conventions. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee


Quarter 5

Choose One General Education Elective (5cr)

CJ&101 5cr Introduction to Criminal Justice
Examines the agencies involved in the administration of criminal justice in the U.S. with an emphasis on understanding how the three components (police, courts and corrections) operate as part of a system and as individual agencies. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
CJ&112 5cr Criminology
Examines social components of crime and deviance, including law-making, law-breaking, and societal reactions to crime. Explores the causes and impacts of crime, classifications and theoretical interpretations of crime, and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
LEGL111 5cr Criminal Law
Covers substantive and procedural aspects of criminal law in Washington. Emphasis is on criminal law practice including principles underlying the definition of crime, culpability requirements, legal defenses, principles of justification and excuse and theories of criminal law and the relationship between doctrines and the various justifications for imposition of punishment. This course was formerly known as LEGL 157. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $50.00 Paralegal Course Fee
POLS&101 5cr Introduction to Political Science
Examines the nature of political science and political systems. Introduces government systems, ideology, political institutions, political culture, comparative politics, and international relations. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with POLS 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and POLS 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC&101 5cr Introduction to Sociology: Diversity
Focuses on sociological terms, theories and research; the study of humans in relation to their environment and culture; and sociological analysis of collective behavior and social interaction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "B-" or better in ENGL 095 or a "C" or better in ENGL 098. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One Natural Science (5cr)

ENVS&100 5cr Survey of Environmental Science
Explores the workings of planet Earth in terms of living organisms and non-living resources, including roles that human activities play in the world around us. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One Humanities (5cr)

CMST&210 5cr Interpersonal Communication: Diversity
Focuses on understanding and developing interpersonal communication skills needed to build and maintain healthy one-on-one relationships in both personal and professional contexts. Examines how diverse communication styles can impact relationships. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST&220 5cr Public Speaking
Introduces oral communication theory and public speaking/listening practice as applied to a variety of settings and audiences. Students will learn to verbally inform and persuade an audience using a variety of speech types. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST240 5cr Intercultural Communication: Diversity (RETIRED)
Introduces intercultural communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes when people enter new cultural context or interact with people who have different cultural identities. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

Quarter 6

Choose One General Education Elective (5cr)

CJ&101 5cr Introduction to Criminal Justice
Examines the agencies involved in the administration of criminal justice in the U.S. with an emphasis on understanding how the three components (police, courts and corrections) operate as part of a system and as individual agencies. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
CJ&112 5cr Criminology
Examines social components of crime and deviance, including law-making, law-breaking, and societal reactions to crime. Explores the causes and impacts of crime, classifications and theoretical interpretations of crime, and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
LEGL111 5cr Criminal Law
Covers substantive and procedural aspects of criminal law in Washington. Emphasis is on criminal law practice including principles underlying the definition of crime, culpability requirements, legal defenses, principles of justification and excuse and theories of criminal law and the relationship between doctrines and the various justifications for imposition of punishment. This course was formerly known as LEGL 157. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $50.00 Paralegal Course Fee
POLS&101 5cr Introduction to Political Science
Examines the nature of political science and political systems. Introduces government systems, ideology, political institutions, political culture, comparative politics, and international relations. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with POLS 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and POLS 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC&101 5cr Introduction to Sociology: Diversity
Focuses on sociological terms, theories and research; the study of humans in relation to their environment and culture; and sociological analysis of collective behavior and social interaction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "B-" or better in ENGL 095 or a "C" or better in ENGL 098. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose Two Humanities courses (10cr)
Any HUM, HIST, IIS, PHIL, or Language Course

Quarter 7

Choose One General Education Elective (5cr)

ANTH&206 5cr Cultural Anthropology: Diversity
Surveys the diversity of human cultural systems and the forces and effects of globalization. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
BUS&201 5cr Business Law
Introduces the American legal system from the business perspective. Examines system structure, concepts, procedures, terminology, and ethics with an emphasis on principles and procedures applicable in the context of business. Fees: $12.00 Social Science & Business Course Fee
ECON&201 5cr Micro Economics
Develops a framework for understanding the fundamentals of price theory by applying practical applications of microeconomic analysis and general equilibrium models. Includes the analysis of government intervention in a free market and explores concepts in market welfare. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&101 5cr Introduction to Political Science
Examines the nature of political science and political systems. Introduces government systems, ideology, political institutions, political culture, comparative politics, and international relations. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&200 5cr Introduction to Law: Diversity
Introduces an overview of the American legal system and how our legal system has shaped modern society. This course was formerly known as LEGL 151. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&203 5cr International Relations
Introduces key concepts in international relations, examining security, states, conflict, diplomacy, and international cooperation across economic, environmental, technological, global health, and human rights domains. Explores emerging global order and disorder in the 21st century. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with POLS 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and POLS 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC200 5cr Introduction to Social Work
Introduces the field of social work and the social welfare system. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC245 5cr Social Movements: Diversity
Examines historical and contemporary social movements and activism from a sociological perspective. Includes service learning through participation in a social movement organization of student's choice. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC255 5cr Globalization: Diversity
Introduces cultural, economic, and political globalization from a sociological perspective, including the institutions, processes, and controversies that make up global society. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC285 5cr Food and Society: Diversity
Focuses on a sociological and cultural understanding of food, and the social and cultural processes that shape how food is produced, consumed and distributed. Explores food as identity, entertainment, health, and social justice. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One General Education Elective (5cr)
Any HUM, HIST, IIS, PHIL, or Language Course
Choose One Natural Science w/ Lab (5cr)

BIOL&160 5cr General Biology W/Lab
Introduces foundational biological concepts including cell structure and function, metabolism, genetics, biotechnology, biological diversity, evolution, and ecology. Preparatory for further studies including BIOL& 211 and BIOL& 241. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL&175 5cr Human Biology W/Lab
Covers elementary anatomy and physiology of the human body. Appropriate for non-majors (not for Nursing or Biology majors). Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BOT101 5cr Introduction to Botany
Provides an overview of plant science, emphasizing plant form and function, life processes, diversity, genetics, propagation and biotechnology, and ecology. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
ENVS103 5cr Climate and Energy Solutions (RETIRED)
Introduces natural and anthropogenic climate change and related effects across geologic and biologic timescales. Reviews current and emerging clean technologies. Recommended: ENVS& 100 or ENVS 102. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
OCEA&101 5cr Introduction to Oceanography W/Lab
Introduces oceanic processes including the physical, chemical, geological, biological and climatological. Labs include both field and laboratory experiences. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee

Quarter 8

Choose Two General Education Electives (10cr)

ANTH&206 5cr Cultural Anthropology: Diversity
Surveys the diversity of human cultural systems and the forces and effects of globalization. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
BUS&201 5cr Business Law
Introduces the American legal system from the business perspective. Examines system structure, concepts, procedures, terminology, and ethics with an emphasis on principles and procedures applicable in the context of business. Fees: $12.00 Social Science & Business Course Fee
CJ&101 5cr Introduction to Criminal Justice
Examines the agencies involved in the administration of criminal justice in the U.S. with an emphasis on understanding how the three components (police, courts and corrections) operate as part of a system and as individual agencies. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
CJ&112 5cr Criminology
Examines social components of crime and deviance, including law-making, law-breaking, and societal reactions to crime. Explores the causes and impacts of crime, classifications and theoretical interpretations of crime, and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
CCS103 2cr Transfer Preparation
Prepares students to understand and plan for the process of transferring to four-year universities as part of their education plan. Prerequisite: None.
ECON&201 5cr Micro Economics
Develops a framework for understanding the fundamentals of price theory by applying practical applications of microeconomic analysis and general equilibrium models. Includes the analysis of government intervention in a free market and explores concepts in market welfare. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
LEGL111 5cr Criminal Law
Covers substantive and procedural aspects of criminal law in Washington. Emphasis is on criminal law practice including principles underlying the definition of crime, culpability requirements, legal defenses, principles of justification and excuse and theories of criminal law and the relationship between doctrines and the various justifications for imposition of punishment. This course was formerly known as LEGL 157. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $50.00 Paralegal Course Fee
POLS&101 5cr Introduction to Political Science
Examines the nature of political science and political systems. Introduces government systems, ideology, political institutions, political culture, comparative politics, and international relations. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&200 5cr Introduction to Law: Diversity
Introduces an overview of the American legal system and how our legal system has shaped modern society. This course was formerly known as LEGL 151. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&203 5cr International Relations
Introduces key concepts in international relations, examining security, states, conflict, diplomacy, and international cooperation across economic, environmental, technological, global health, and human rights domains. Explores emerging global order and disorder in the 21st century. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with POLS 209 and SOC 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC209 5cr Social Science Research Methods
Explores interdisciplinary theories, techniques, and applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. This course can only be taken once for credit and is cross-listed with PSYC 209 and POLS 209. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC200 5cr Introduction to Social Work
Introduces the field of social work and the social welfare system. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC245 5cr Social Movements: Diversity
Examines historical and contemporary social movements and activism from a sociological perspective. Includes service learning through participation in a social movement organization of student's choice. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC255 5cr Globalization: Diversity
Introduces cultural, economic, and political globalization from a sociological perspective, including the institutions, processes, and controversies that make up global society. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC285 5cr Food and Society: Diversity
Focuses on a sociological and cultural understanding of food, and the social and cultural processes that shape how food is produced, consumed and distributed. Explores food as identity, entertainment, health, and social justice. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One Natural Science (5cr)

ANTH&205 5cr Biological Anthropology
Explores the interplay of human biology and culture based on evolutionary theory focusing on genetics, primate studies, human evolution, and human biological variation. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
ENVS102 5cr Climate Change & Society
Investigates climate change and environmental systems and explores impacts on human society through differing worldviews. Recommended: ENVS& 100. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
MATH&146 5cr Introduction to Statistics
Covers basic probability, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
NUTR&101 5cr Nutrition
Surveys the nutritional needs for individuals ranging from infants to adults. Emphasis is placed on the basic principles of nutrition. Particularly suitable for health occupation students. Prior high school chemistry or biology course or equivalent strongly recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

Revision Date: 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022