
Make a genuine difference in the lives of others. Become a caregiver and advocate for those who need you the most. A career in Nursing is as in-demand as it is rewarding, with extensive benefits in job security, flexibility, and portability. Whether you are looking to get to work quickly through Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) training or want to become a Registered Nurse, SPSCC’s extensive program options will prepare you to work in one of the world’s most necessary fields.


South Puget Sound Community College's Associate Degree Nursing Program is approved by the Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON).

The South Puget Sound Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20032, 202-909-2526.

What's Different at SPSCC?

New: Evening and Weekend Nursing Program. SPSCC offers two nursing cohorts per year - one traditional program, and one fully evening and weekend program. The traditional program begins each Fall Quarter, while the evening and weekend program begins each Summer Quarter. Apply for each program separately following the special admissions process.

Innovative Learning through Simulation
SPSCC Simulation Center provides an experiential learning environment where students grow their knowledge, skills, and attitudes, while utilizing clinical reasoning, technology, and evidence-based practice. Learn more here: Simulation Center

Be highly prepared for NCLEX. Our students who completed the 2024 NCLEX testing required to become a Registered Nurse had a 91.67% pass rate, above the national average of 90.63%.

Save big while you prepare for your future. You will save over $12,000 when you complete three out of four years at SPSCC compared to all 4 years at a university program. SPSCC’s Nursing program was the first in Washington State to adopt the Associate of Nursing transfer (DTA) degree, fully approved by the Washington State Nursing Commission.

Get ready for your program with Online and Evening Studies. Many prerequisites are offered online, or evenings for lab courses, letting you learn in a way that best fits your schedule.

Choices at SPSCC

We offer degrees and certifications for a variety of student needs.

Certified Nurse Assistant/Nursing Assistant Certification (NAC)   
Students looking to go to work quickly can move from training to certification to jobs in about three months through our Certified Nurse Assistant (NAC) program.

Nursing Transfer Degrees   
We offer two transfer degrees, which prepare you to attend a 4-year institution and earn a Bachelor’s degree. If you graduate from the Associate in Nursing DTA / MRP, you can transfer to an RN to BSN program as a senior, with only 45 additional credits needed to obtain a BSN degree.

Registered Nurse (RN)   
To become a Registered Nurse (RN), there are two options:

  • Complete RN program, then complete NCLEX testing. In this scenario, you will earn an Associate in Nursing DTA / MRP.  
  • Take RN pre-requisites, then transfer to another program to complete training. 

Practicing Outside of Washington State  
We have reviewed our curriculum with RN licensing requirements for other states and have listed them here. For information about a specific state, please see the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website. This is in accordance with U.S. Department of Education Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v).

Special Application Process

The Associate in Nursing requires special admissions procedures. Find out how to apply, including important dates and information sessions.

Nursing Program Admissions

What are you waiting for?

Contact Info

Program Costs

Total Estimated Cost: $13,500 to $14,500 for two years in the program.

Dollar values are approximate and subject to change.

  • Tuition & Fees $4,500 / year
  • SPSCC ADN Application Fee (non-refundable) $25

Program Fees

These fees are an estimated breakdown of what is included in the "Total Estimated Cost" above.

  • Health records management, clinical requirements, Digital Learning Resources, Lab & Simulation fees - $2,100 / year
  • Textbooks - $750
  • CPR Class - Cost Varies
  • Uniforms, shoes, equipment (watch with second hand, stethoscope, gait belt) - $350
  • Private health insurance per quarter - Cost Varies
  • Graduation cap & gown (optional) - $25
  • RN WA Single State or Multistate license application - $138/$203
  • National licensure examination RN - $200


Program Outcomes

Program Completion Rates

Year of Admission Program Completion Rate (at 100%) Program Completion Rate (at 150%)
2019 94% 94%
2020 91% 91%
2021 90% 97%
2022 85%  
Three-Year Average 89% 94%


NCLEX-RN First Attempt Pass Rate

Grad Year                        SPSCC Pass Rate                             National Pass Rate                          
2022 89.29% 77.91%
2023 100% 87.75%
2024 91.67% 90.63%
Three Year Average 93.65% 85.43%


Job Placement Rate

Grad Year               Employed as RN Within 6-12 Months of Graduation                                  
2021 100%
2022 100%
2023 100%

Accommodations & Nondiscrimination

Any applicant requiring reasonable accommodations for the application should call SPSCC’s ADA coordinator in the human resources office, 2011 Mottman Rd SW, Olympia WA 98512, (360-596-5360). Students who need disability accommodation should contact Access Services in Building 22, second floor, email or call 360-596-5306. It is the policy of SPSCC that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment.

Special Program Notes

The Nursing Program is rigorous, and our faculty recommend that students work no more than 20 hours per week while in the full-time Nursing Program. All nursing courses must be completed with a “C+” or better to continue in and complete the program.


Once admitted to the Nursing Program, proof of immunizations or immunity to certain diseases must be provided. Two of the three doses of Hepatitis B must have been received before the start of the nursing program. Information regarding healthcare requirements will be provided with offers of admissions from the Nursing Program. Immunization requirements may change based upon clinical site requirements.

CPR Training

All students must complete a BLS Health Care Provider Card (American Heart Association - CPR for Health Care Professionals) before the first day of class. The card must be current at all times to meet clinical agreement requirements.

Background Check & Drug Screening

A criminal history clearance is required by state law RCW 43.43.830 to participate in client care at clinical facilities. Some clinical facilities require national background checks and drug screening as well. Your background check must be cleared in order to continue enrollment in the nursing program.

Examples of crimes for which an individual will be denied clearance:

  • Crimes against another person such as murder, manslaughter, assault, rape, sexual abuse, child abandonment or neglect.
  • Conviction for a crime against property such as first-degree offenses including burglary, arson, criminal mischief, robbery, or forgery.
  • An extensive list can be found in WAC 388-113-0020.

New Student Orientation

Students admitted into the program are required to attend orientation that may be held prior to the start of the first and fourth quarters. Additional information about orientation will be provided after acceptance to the program.

Essential Skills

SPSCC encourages all interested and qualified individuals to apply to the nursing program and does not discriminate or deny admission to students with disabilities. Nursing students must meet the technical standards/essential skills to progress through the program.  Please review the Essential Standards document which identifies the functional abilities that have been determined to be necessary in the provision of safe, effective, and professional nursing care. These Essential Standards are reflected in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), the Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON), Nurse Scope of Practice, and the SPSCC Nursing Student Handbook.

Student Handbook: Current student handbook for SPSCC Nursing Students.


Degrees & Certificates

  • Associate in Nursing

    Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program

    Degree Details
  • Associate in Pre Nursing

    Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program

    Degree Details
Nursing Classroom

Careers in Nursing

Job Titles

  • Registered Nurse

  • Acute Care Nurse

  • Critical Care Nurse

