
Making collage appeals to me because of the element of chance and the process of repurposing ephemera. I take an intuitive stream-of-consciousness approach to creating collage and mixed media works of art.
My work is an articulation of urban perception. I have lived in a number of large American cities.
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (1974). In addition to academic studies, I have worked as an illustrator in the corporate arena.
I enjoy being a resident of Olympia Washington and in recent years have exhibited works of art in numerous Western Washington fine art exhibitions. 

Artist Statement:  

Works of free-form visual poetry, is how I think of my art.
Typically, creating the piece begins with gathering fragments of print material and photo copies. From a jumbled mess, I find juxtapositions that work together aesthetically and intellectually to form visual metaphors. It is a bit like following tracks into the forest in hope of finding some interesting surprise. The idea of narrative elements shrouded in dream-like mystery is an engaging one for me.
My recent work tends to reference issues of our time. Alienation, social unrest and chaos, racial injustice, and environmental degradation are touched upon. 
Modern Art, is particular Art since 1945, has been a magnetic force in my work. Artists have that have strongly influenced me include, Robert Rauschenberg, Any Warhol, Joseph Cornell, and Henri Matisse.