
You can more fully appreciate Lynn, her artworks, and her strong presence in the art community, when you know she’s raised in the cotton belt of New Mexico by a single mother of five who worked as a waitress.  From an early age Lynn collected throw-away in order to create her shoes, wearables, and art projects.  These activities were her emotional lifeblood.  College was not an option.
She became a full-time artist following a recession lay-off at Seattle Mental Health in 1973 where she worked as a recreational therapist. She's one of the few artists who actually made her living for about 50 years, solely by selling her art, through gallery sales and commission work.   At 76, she's not so focused on selling, but makes whatever she wants.

Artist Statement:

I love the engineering challenges along with finding the mediums which best express these ideas.  In this case, by melting plastic over an electric burner in order to copy ‘glass’. 
I admit, using plastics as a medium is exciting: it’s cheap, colorful, and readily available.  On top of which I’m giving it a second life.