
As an only child, I was constantly drawing imaginary people. Later, real people got my attention. Originally from Ohio, I graduated from Kent State University with a BFA in Studio Art - Figure Painting. I came to Washington State in 1975. For forty years I have enjoyed working as a mechanical drafter, first on the board with paper and pencil, then 2D computer, then 3D. In the meantime, art has been there with me. I've taken art classes at Seattle University, Evergreen College, and the Gage Academy. A few of the local artists and instructors who have helped me: Louise Williams, Juliette Aristides, Aaron Coberly, Cal Capner, Paul Barton.  For approximately 15 years I have assisted with instruction during the Life Drawing sessions at the Olympia Community Center. Now that I am semi-retired, I am looking forward to developing stronger skills and focus and fun with portraiture.


Artist Statement:

Drawing and painting the human has been with me ever since I was a toddler. Flesh is wonderful to paint as light goes through it and reflects. Tones change and deepen in shadow. Don't forget the folds, rolls, and wrinkles. I feel oils and pastels are the best of mediums for exploring this. And I love the luscious quality of oils. I'm working on that too. Also note that I draw and paint from life. My goal is to paint what I see accurately, not photo-realistically, but personally. I push and pull where paint goes: from transparent to opaque and from dark to light. A typical painting takes two to three sessions. I start with the loose gesture in oil, seldom pre-planned. I like to leave some of the toned canvas or first wash showing and finish with impasto highlights. I feel that the moment, the colors, and the emotion are best captured face to face. And getting that individual portrait correct is the challenge. That is where my draftsmanship dovetails with my art. But the ultimate for me is to get the portrait while spontaneity and luscious brushwork happen at the same time. 
Renowned artists who have influenced me: Sargent; Vermeer; Hals, Rembrandt