
I got my first camera at 15 and proceeded taking dark, out of focus photos for my high school year book. I continued shooting. In my 70’s I had thousands of images. Cutting these photographs apart and creating collages was a natural progression to the question of, “What to do with all these images?” Of course, now I have a lot more source material including art books, interesting art magazines, and strange French fashion magazines.

Artists that inspire me are all photographers-storytellers: Elliott Erwitt, Annie Leibovitz, Dorothea Lange, Robert Frank, Nan Goldin, Gregory Crewdson. Visual storytelling inspires my collage work.

I stick to scissors and glue for my collages. I’ve always been handy with a pair of scissors. I put myself through Massage Therapy school as a fabric cutter for a small boutique line of clothing in Santa Fe. I’ve refined my cutting technique so that most of the time you cannot tell that you are looking at an original collage.

I’ve been in many juried shows throughout the Puget Sound region.

I’ve had solo shows at Fulcrum Gallery, Tacoma; Harlequin Theater, Olympic, and featured artist at Proctor Art Gallery, Tacoma. I currently show my work at Proctor Art Gallery, Tacoma.