SPSCC art students, led by Olympia based artist China Faith Star, will collaborate with Sean Barnes’ Beginning Drawing students to explore form, content and the environment working with discarded materials and the drawing process. Students will experience all aspects of a collaborative project, including planning, production, installation, and presentation that culminates in an exhibition of the work in The Gallery. 
“A project like this, washing and using trash to make art, thinking about how to solve a problem, drawing upon it, and collaborating with others for a greater good, juxtaposes with what is currently happening in our society around the Corvid-19 pandemic, washing hands and surroundings, hoarding products, being isolated and distant, being told what to do. Being home consuming stuff or getting deliveries makes us think even more about what surrounds us, is it useful and how we can use our imagination to turn it into something positive together.” – China Faith Star

China Star Face card photo 2021 Collaboration Installation

China Star

Collaborating Artist

China Star is a 21st century inspired artist working, living and thriving in the Pacific Northwest section of Olympia, Washington. China has recognized the monetary and environmental impact the art world can have on our daily lives. That is why China focuses her art to utilize materials others may deem unusable. China had collected recyclable material for over 7 years in perpetration for a multi piece full gallery installation exhibition addressing our relationship to waste and the environment that we live in. She challenged student artist to redefine the concept of art supplies and to expand their artistic capabilities and utilize a medium that most of the population considers waste. China has exhibited and performed in over 25 cities nationally and internationally; with work in both public and private collections. As a multi-media artist and mother China is concerned with the use of artistic expression as a language through which larger concepts are able to be explored through all parts of the process, from conception to reception. Whether addressing spiritual, community based, environmental, or political concerns, the micro and macro of the process is what identifies each series as unique to itself and origins and defines the applicable medium.