Artist Statement:
“The Understory” series was created in mixed media collage, a combination of acrylic paint, colored pencil, ink, and watercolor.  Influences and inspiration for the series include artists John Biggers, Frida Kahlo, and Emily Kngwarreye, saxophonist John Coltrane, socionomist Leticia Nieto, the earth, and the spirit world. 

I am asking,  
What existing and new archetypes can serve as spiritual resources to move us through our most challenging moments?  How can we create spaciousness from scarcity? How do we transform pain into learning?  How can we know our inner worlds more intimately so that we may connect more deeply to our truest nature and to one another? 

I am interested in how we communicate the deeper stories that reveal themselves through openings, even if only slight glimpses, into our subconscious. Image making provides us this window into the interior world- a place to process and locate a sense of wholeness and peace.  Imaging is my spiritual practice - a bridge to transformation and healing.  My intention when I return to this practice again and again is to transform what I have been given into something I can use, to heal intergenerational injury while tending the wounds of my current life’s journey, to connect with divine sources of energy and clarity for supportive guidance.