
Sandra was born in Venezuela, growing up in Trinidad having moved there with her family when she was five. She spent her teenage years in Aberwystwyth at a girls’ boarding school, before starting an extensive career in fashion as a make-up artist that spanned over 30 years. She has always been fascinated by the character and the soul behind the mask, which is revealed in her startling array of women’s faces. Self-taught, but guided by some considerable mentors: Bosco Holder (Trinidad), Patrick Betaudier (Paris), Andy Warhol (The Factory) and more recently Rafael Calzada (Mexico), she also draws inspiration from one of her favorite artists, the late Alexej von Jawlensky. Her style can be described as a unique blend of abstract and soulful portraiture. Indeed, the memories of the light and colors of Trinidad and Tobago, her mother’s birth place, are also seen as the influence in her play with color.


Artist Statement:

I have chosen these four portraits for this exhibition ‘Futures Rising’ because each portrait represents a particular plight that has and continues to face women of color around the world.  
Black Face has no features because it represents not being seen. As a woman of color working in the fashion world in the 70s and 80s, there weren’t even foundation colors for our skin tones. Black women are still under-represented in fashion.   
And You…What are You Doing? The recording of the brutal killing of George Floyd brought the violent suppression of people of color into everyone’s lives. I chose not to paint a nose or mouth in reference to his plea “I can’t breathe” and the eyes engage the viewer to answer the question.  
War Weary This soulful portrait of a Muslim woman highlights the ravages war brings on families. She is crying a river of tears for the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, sons and daughters lost to the war machine. She represents the desperate, displaced, discounted and forgotten victims of war.
Angela is my only hero. My painting of her is here to remind the next generation of activists working for equality that through perseverance we will prevail.