Artist Statement:

In much of my work the element of water is present- stitched, printed, visually manifest between and amidst other figures and abstractions. I have been exploring water’s movements, fluctuations, and properties forever. Floating in the top few inches is my idea of heaven. I live by a stream that was, just four weeks ago three feet above flood level, and is now utterly bone dry; I walk across, on the stones every day. Water bodies have been a constant in my life, ever in my thoughts (Are we getting enough rain? Will there be flood? Is it an incoming or outgoing tide? Where’s the newest climate effected high tide line? Where’s the bridge? the beach? the bank? Is this water clean? Why not?  How do we cross? What does it border? connect? impede? ) and mostly within sight, though sometimes just on the periphery, as if I dreamt their presence. Liminality is made manifest at the everchanging edges of water, predictably unpredictable, and always flexibly defining a shoreline/waterline. Water is the basic element I've chosen to explore culturally, geographically, scientifically, mythically, and bits of all of these are present in these pieces.