
Cebron Kyle Bradford (He/Him/His) a Seattle based artist focused on acrylics and oils. His aim with art is to create tactile experiences. As seen as a recurring theme in his paintings. The abstract elements have provided a way to bring the different tactile elements together while also exploring feelings of chaos and harmony. As seen in “In Search Of” it involves two different textures coming together. Bloom also features a tactile element as paints layered to give a feel of being engulfed in a flowers bloom. Other works focus on duality of identity. Out side of art he is focused on dissertation research around Data Ethics.


Artist Statement: 

My inspiration in all that I do is deeper understanding. I enjoy abstract because I get to toss out the rules on what people see and let mothers give me their interpretation. I feel like I make it my own qualitative experience. I feel at this moment my art has been a collaborative & iterative experience as I take the energy and response to my art and reiterate the initial painting with fun twists based on what others give me. This helps me understand how others experience the world and allows me to help them share that with others. I feel deep understanding is what builds empathy and I feel that it’s something worth multiplying through art.