
I was born in Los Angeles, California and received my BFA in Drawing and Painting from California State University, Long Beach. I studied under Roger Herman, Peter Plagens, Mark Wethli, and attended workshops with Northwest painter Sandy Roumagoux. I earned a Secondary Teaching Credential in Art. Fulfilling my student teaching experience in Winchester, England, I taught art in the Long Beach Unified School District. I currently live in Olympia, Washington. I am a member of WAM (Women Art Makers) in California, and TAG in Olympia.


Artist Statement:

These paintings are about ideas and familiar objects that I think about or feel a connection with. In some ways, the physical act of painting, in connecting with the idea or object, is what I am most interested in. In painting, as in life, relationships are what are most important. The works shown here are the result of my attempt to have color and line and shape, lights and darks, relate in some varied kind of way. I want there to be a sense of light and air and open spaces in my paintings. All are either acrylic or acrylic and charcoal on canvas or cradled panel.