
I was born in Michigan to a creative family of ten. We often took Sunday excursions or vacations to the Great Lakes or the many inner state lakes. My mother was a naturalist and taught us how to appreciate the delicate surprises of nature. My father often planned our vacations to new places on the lakes where he performed as a piano player. My mother painted landscapes and florals in oils and watercolors. Of the eight children, all chose visual arts, music, or licensed crafts as the heart of their life.

As an adult, I lived and worked in Michigan, Montana, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida and Washington; feeding my brain and spirit with the varied beauty of each of these states. I have lived in Washington since 2007 near my two grandchildren. After moving to Washington, I renewed my interest in photography. I presented some works of abstract digital photography in shows as a member of Arts Olympia. This digital work was a bridge to abstract painting for me.  I showed acrylic abstract work with the Olympia Arts League.

Artist Statement:

My work is an affirmation of color and movement.  Movement in the piece is made with repetitive forms or line in a loose rhythmic pattern.

My works from the last three years use the “all-over canvas” painting style rather than a center of interest, as I did with watercolors. I express emotions and thoughts with color, movement and texture and bring the painting off the edges of the canvas.