
I am an artist living in Olympia, WA. I like to work with many mediums but mainly acrylics, oil pastels, and ceramics. My formal education studied was with the wonderful faculty of the art department at Humboldt State University. My work is not intended to make me a living, but to fulfill my life. My living comes from arts education. It means the most to me to be able to make work when and how I feel and be able to connect with others through the arts. Exploration and fluidity is the main crux of my work. Everything I make is informed by the mediums and the process and the mistakes and the layers that make up each piece.


Artist Statement:

The work shown here is a reflection of the process of making a home both outside and inside of your head. I am at a turning point in my life where my home life is, for the first time, stabilizing. With this change comes a grounding and an ability to navigate living within my own head where as previously this was a difficult place to be.