
My name is Kiid_Gunn; I was born in Albany, GA, in 1989. My first experience as an artist was as a child. Although I didn't think much of it, my influence was life. Childhood trauma froze my talent within an iceberg of depression, which began to melt in 2018. I chose to produce color in the dark void to remove the cold grip of depression that often consumed my life. 

I believe that being an artist is something that one can be born to do and not always learned at school. Hence, my skills flourished through practical experience, trial and error and self-correction. I immersed in the works of Cinnamon Cooney, Martel Chapman, and Paul Tag; they became my teachers. Through their work I expanded my knowledge of African Mask art, cartoon replication, and abstracts. From my home studio in Tacoma, WA, my work is crafted and created primarily in acrylics and oils.