Students in Beginning Printmaking with Bruce Thompson, worked directly with the visiting artist, Emily L. R. Adams, to create a series of mono-prints to be displayed in the gallery at SPSCC. The work provides freedom of exploration and expression for each student to engage in a new technical process that is complex but also approachable from beginner through advanced. The technique is a French printmaking term called 'Chine Colle’  and translates to Chinese collage. In this traditional process, cut tissue paper is collaged onto the print paper as it runs through the press. All prints have similar imagery that the artist will use to build upon her professional practice. The underlying concept centers on boundaries, breaking boundaries, and the importance of working together to redefine boundaries. 

Emily Adams Profile Pic

Emily L. R. Adams

Collaborating Artist

Adams is a multi-media printmaking artist living in Olympia, WA. Her work combines conventional printmaking techniques with non-traditional installation and presentation. Examining complex issues of femininity, gender norms, and transformative justice brings a heightened awareness through the power of the multiple.

Adams earned her BFA from the Columbus College of Art & Design (2005) and her MFA from the University of Wisconsin (2015). She is a recipient of the David and Edith Sinaiko Woman in the Arts Award, and her work featured in New American Painting Magazine. Adams has a breadth of printmaking experience; having worked with artists and master printers at the highly respected Pace Editions and Tandem Press.