
Mikaela is an indigenous mother, creative, and writer whose work spans multiple artistic disciplines. Her art is a reflection of her passion for nurturing creativity in herself and others. Her commitment to the arts and community building also led to her being named one of Northern Utah's influential women. Drawing inspiration from her diverse artistic background, Mikaela's current artwork is a revisit to her painting roots to create work that amalgamates all her passions, woven together to depict her life journey. She currently resides in Olympia, Washington, where she is raising her two children.

Artist Statement:

These paintings are part of my spring awakening series. These pieces depict life, death, and metamorphosis. Inspired by butterfly migrations.

My work tells a story of disconnection— generational, cultural, and spiritual. At the moment, my paintings are a visceral display of grief, loss, reconnection, and healing. It is painful and ugly and beautiful and bright.

The process I use to create my art is feral. My pieces are painted, dyed, burned, and sewn. I want people to feel the chaos and calm and see their own journey in the lines and jagged edges.

When I create, my biggest hope is that people walk away and want to find a way to forge and release what is inside of them as well.