Artist Statement:

Within my work, I examine the internal conflict that I feel while navigating in systems that are oppressive. I make art to remind myself of my strength and to reclaim my power. My work is figurative to honor the resilience needed to maintain composure in the face of patriarchy and capitalism. Patterns play heavily in my work as an exploration of mark-making as well as to elevate the small, mundane moments of everyday life where grace and joy reside. My art consists of mixed media drawings and paintings. 

I paint in acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic (wax). Building up layers of color and imagery, my art reflects the accumulation of experience and knowledge that informs my perspective. I make art that requires slow viewing; the paintings reveal themselves slowly with extended and repeated viewings. I look to Mickalane Thomas, Juane Quick-to-See Smith, and Kiki Smith for inspiration. Jasper Johns, as a pioneer in encaustic, is ever present in my mind. 

I am interested in art that reclaims healing from systems of oppression. I use mixed media and encaustic for their layering capabilities, building up images as life accumulates experience. I am influenced by artists with strong voices and lived truths. With a strong voice, my art expresses my lived truths, strengths, and grace.