
Cebron Kyle Bradford (He/Him/His) a Seattle based artist focused on acrylics and oils.

Social Death in Faces
The Social Death series looks at the void left by isolation that comes with staring into our black phone screens and being lost in isolation in our professional lives. Inspired by the costumes featured in “I Like That” by Janelle Monáe, the series features color blocking in White = death, Black = 

While we “see” each other through our screens without communication of who we are, we’re never truly seen or having deep conversations that reveal our humanity to one another. Instead we see our assumptions of a person based on the image they intend to project professionally or socially. And we die to society, “Crossing over”, to our Duties “The Sentry & the Weeds”, to each other “The Reunion”, and finally to our own identity “The Bisection” to perform to the new norm that binds us.