Science, Engineering & Math Pathway

Associate in Science Track 1 - General Science

Associate in Science - Transfer

Join like-minded students with a passion for exploration, research, and innovation. Study gene expression in a lab, manage electrical systems, design buildings, or chart the stars. While the possibilities are limitless, you begin by choosing our Science, Engineering, and Math Pathway.

South Puget Sound Community College prepares recipients of the Associate in Science-Transfer Degree to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Think logically and critically
  • Evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data
  • Understand themselves in relation to others in a multicultural world
  • Understand ethical responsibilities and consequences

Quarter Plan
Note: Students are required to complete a minimum of 90 credits to attain the AS-1 degree. Students should work with their career and educational planner to plan out any additional electives or remaining credits.

Search Schedule

Quarter 1

Students have several options for their starting point. Some students may start in our Transition Studies programs: Adult Basic Education, ESL, High School+, and Basic Computer Skills.

Quarter 2

AMATH097 7cr Corequisite Intermediate Algebra
Introduces the study of linear equations and systems, properties of exponents, operations on polynomials, factoring, and quadratic equations with additional support with algebra techniques.. Students should take this course if they plan to pursue a pathway that requires MATH 141 (STEM) or MATH 147 (Business) or if they plan to transfer to a university that requires MATH 097 for admission.
Choose One:

ENGL090 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing I
Introduces students to college-level reading and writing. Focuses on reading strategies, critical thinking, and writing unified paragraphs. ENGL 090 classes are combined with ENGL 095 classes, and students who demonstrate ENGL 095 proficiency may earn ENGL 095 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or an �S� in ABE 054, ABE 055, ESL 065, ESL 066, IE 065, or IE 066.
ENGL095 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing II
Prepares students for entry into college-level writing courses. Focuses on reading analytically, thinking critically, and writing coherent, well-supported texts. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement based on Reading & English CPT scores or transition test.

CCS101 3cr Pathways to Success
Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners.

Quarter 3

AMATH141 8cr Corequisite Precalculus I
Covers power, exponential, and logarithmic functions and analytic geometry with additional support with algebra techniques. Students who plan to pursue Science, Engineering, or Math (SEM) pathways should take this course. Fees: $12.00 Natural/Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One:

ENGL098 5cr Transitional English Composition
Introduces strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. English 098 classes are combined with English 101 classes, and students who demonstrate English 101 proficiency may earn ENGL& 101 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement OR a 'C' or better in ENGL 095. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
ENGL&101 5cr English Composition I
Develops strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

CHEM&139 5cr General Chemistry Prep
Introduces fundamentals of inorganic chemistry and problem solving strategies as preparation for the general chemistry sequence (CHEM& 161 and further studies in chemistry). Emphasis is on reaction equations, calculations, and development of symbolic and particulate concepts that are applied to quantitative reasoning in chemistry. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

Quarter 4

MATH&142 5cr Precalculus II
Covers trigonometric, polynomial, and rational functions and their applications. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

CHEM&161 5cr General Chemistry w/Lab I
Introduces general chemistry concepts, including bonding types, chemical nomenclature, basic atomic structure, stoichiometry, reaction prediction, thermochemistry, gas laws, and quantum mechanical concepts. First course of a three quarter series for engineering, biological science, physical science, pre-med, pre-dental, and math majors. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

ANTH&100 5cr Survey of Anthropology
Surveys past and present human biological, cultural and linguistic variation and evolution. Incorporates an overview of the anthropological subfields: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology and Linguistic Anthropology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
ANTH&104 5cr World Prehistory
Surveys human prehistory, from the origin of humans through the emergence of early civilizations, providing a foundation for understanding modern human societies. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
BUS&101 5cr Introduction to Business
Introduces current concepts and structures of American business. Covers the functions of business: forms of ownership, management, marketing, production, finance, and the economy. Fees: $12.00 Social Science & Business Course Fee
ECON&201 5cr Micro Economics
Develops a framework for understanding the fundamentals of price theory by applying practical applications of microeconomic analysis and general equilibrium models. Includes the analysis of government intervention in a free market and explores concepts in market welfare. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
ECON&202 5cr Macro Economics
Introduces fundamental models of macroeconomics and illustrates macro principles through U.S. experience in the global economy. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&126 5cr World Civilization I
Examines world societies from human origin through the Ancient World to the rise of the first empires. Emphasizes societal interactions in the global theater, ideological and technological developments, and transitions of various cultures from pre-history to approximately 200ce. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&127 5cr World Civilization II
Examines world societies from roughly the Post-Classical era through the rise of the empires and the eve of the Age of Revolutions. Emphasizes societal interactions in the global theater, ideological and technological developments, and transitions of various cultures from approximately 200ce to Early Modern period of the mid-18th century. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&128 5cr World Civilization III
Examines world societies from roughly the 18th century to the present. Emphasizes societal interactions in the global theater, ideological and technological developments, and transitions of various cultures. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&214 5cr Pacific Northwest History: Diversity
Surveys the political, cultural, economic, and social development of the American Northwest with special emphasis on Washington State. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&202 5cr United States Government
Examines the United States Constitution, the evolution of the United States system and the structure of the national government. Provides an overview of political culture, parties, elections, and interest group activities with special emphasis on current problems and issues. ENGL&101 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
POLS&203 5cr International Relations
Introduces key concepts in international relations, examining security, states, conflict, diplomacy, and international cooperation across economic, environmental, technological, global health, and human rights domains. Explores emerging global order and disorder in the 21st century. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC203 5cr Human Sexuality
Focuses on the scientific study of human sexuality and sexual behaviors throughout life using a biopsychosocial approach. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 5

MATH&151 5cr Calculus I
Covers differential calculus of single-variable functions. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

CHEM&162 5cr General Chemistry W/Lab II
Introduces general chemistry concepts including electronic structure, periodicity, bonding theory, molecular shapes, introduction to organic chemistry, structure of solids, properties of liquids, phase transitions, colligative properties, and kinetics. Second course of a three-quarter series for engineering, biological science, physical science, pre-med, pre-dental, and math majors. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One

BIOL&211 5cr Majors Cellular
Introduces cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics in appropriate depth for science majors and students in pre-professional programs. Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CHEM& 139 or CHEM& 161 recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
PHYS&114 5cr General Physics I w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of motion, gravitation, and energy. This is the first in the non-engineering physics sequence. Prerequisite: MATH 099 with a 'C' or better or instructor's permission. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee

Note: PHYS& 114/115/116 sequence starts in fall quarter. BIOL& 211/212/213 sequence starts in fall and winter.

Quarter 6

MATH&152 5cr Calculus II
Covers integral calculus of single-variable functions. Prerequisite: MATH& 151 with a 'C' or better. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee

CHEM&163 5cr General Chemistry W/Lab III
Covers acid and base theory, equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Completes the general chemistry sequence for science, engineering, pre-med, pre-dental, and math majors. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One

BIOL&212 5cr Majors Animal
Introduces diversity of major animal and protozoan groups including anatomy, physiology, development, evolution, ecology, reproduction, and life cycles. Appropriate for science majors and students in pre-professional programs. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
PHYS&115 5cr General Physics II w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of physics relating to fluid statics and dynamics, heat and thermodynamics, oscillations and waves. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Course Lab Fee

Quarter 7

Choose One

MATH&153 5cr Calculus III
Covers advanced calculus topics including infinite series, Taylor polynomials, Taylor series representation of functions and calculus in polar coordinates and in parametric equations. Continuation of MATH& 152. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
MATH&146 5cr Introduction to Statistics
Covers basic probability, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One

BIOL&213 5cr Majors Plant
Introduces diversity of major plant and fungus groups including structure, evolution, ecology, and lifecycles. Appropriate for science majors and students in pre-professional programs Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
PHYS&116 5cr General Physics III w/Lab
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of physics relating to electricity and magnetism, light, and optics. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
Choose One Additional Science

ASTR&100 5cr Survey of Astronomy
Covers the origin, characteristics, and evolution of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and universe. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
ASTR&115 5cr Stars, Galaxies, & Cosmos
Introduces the origin, structure, scale, and evolution of the universe with emphasis on star classification and life cycles, galaxy structure and formation, and cosmological theories. Laboratory projects include night sky observations and analysis of stars and galaxies based on catalog and photographic data. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL&100 5cr Survey of Biology
Introduces foundational biological concepts, including ecology, evolution, heredity and organismal and cellular structure and physiology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL&175 5cr Human Biology W/Lab
Covers elementary anatomy and physiology of the human body. Appropriate for non-majors (not for Nursing or Biology majors). Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL180 5cr Introduction to Marine Biology
Introduces students to the marine environment including principles of marine biology. Explores the interrelatedness of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the sea and the organisms that live in it. Also discusses the human impact on the ocean. Field trip(s) required. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BOT101 5cr Introduction to Botany
Provides an overview of plant science, emphasizing plant form and function, life processes, diversity, genetics, propagation and biotechnology, and ecology. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
CHEM&131 5cr Introduction to Organic/Biochemistry
Continues the general, organic, and biochemistry series for nursing and allied health majors. Focuses on general structure, function, properties, and chemical reactions of major organic and biochemical compounds. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
ENVS&100 5cr Survey of Environmental Science
Explores the workings of planet Earth in terms of living organisms and non-living resources, including roles that human activities play in the world around us. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
NUTR&101 5cr Nutrition
Surveys the nutritional needs for individuals ranging from infants to adults. Emphasis is placed on the basic principles of nutrition. Particularly suitable for health occupation students. Prior high school chemistry or biology course or equivalent strongly recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
OCEA&101 5cr Introduction to Oceanography W/Lab
Introduces oceanic processes including the physical, chemical, geological, biological and climatological. Labs include both field and laboratory experiences. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee

Quarter 8

Choose One Humanities (5cr)

ART120 5cr Beginning Drawing
Introduces the basic elements and principles of observational drawing, using traditional and experimental media. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities Course Fee; $65.00 Art Course Fee
CMST&230 5cr Small Group Communication: Diversity
Introduces small group communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes used when people enter diverse organizational contexts or interact in professional and everyday life small groups. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
ENGL&111 5cr Introduction to Literature
Introduces the literary genres of poetry, prose fiction, and drama. Teaches foundational vocabulary and analytical strategies used when reading literature and writing critical interpretations. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
ENGL&244 5cr American Literature I (RETIRED)
Surveys American literature from its beginnings to 1865 through the exploration of literary, cultural, political, and social histories as they impact the growth and emergence of American society, identity, and literature. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
FRCH&121 5cr French I
Introduces the four basic skills of the French language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Studies the language within its cultural context. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL103 5cr Science, Technology, and Human Values
Explores the nature of scientific thinking and technology, and an assessment of their impact on human life and values. Includes the role of the role of theory and explanation in science and the effect of specific technologies on our understanding of the person, nature, and value. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL&120 5cr Symbolic Logic
Introduces the principles of deductive inference with a focus on proofs in both sentence logic and predicate logic with quantifiers. Includes a study of semantic methods for testing validity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
SPAN&121 5cr Spanish I
Introduces the four basic skills of the Spanish language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Studies the language within its cultural context. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Humanities or Social Science / Diversity (5cr)

ANTH&206 5cr Cultural Anthropology: Diversity
Surveys the diversity of human cultural systems and the forces and effects of globalization. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
CMST&210 5cr Interpersonal Communication: Diversity
Focuses on understanding and developing interpersonal communication skills needed to build and maintain healthy one-on-one relationships in both personal and professional contexts. Examines how diverse communication styles can impact relationships. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST240 5cr Intercultural Communication: Diversity (RETIRED)
Introduces intercultural communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes when people enter new cultural context or interact with people who have different cultural identities. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM121 5cr Multicultural America: Diversity
Explores the history, cultures, and contributions of race and ethnic groups in the United States and the complex notion of an 'American' identity. Analyzes the impacts of power, privilege, and socialization on our understanding of race and ethnicity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
SOC&201 5cr Social Problems: Diversity
Uses sociological perspectives to examine social issues and solutions, including racism, gender discrimination, economic inequality, and other contemporary public controversies. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC205 5cr Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: Diversity
Explores the concepts of race and ethnicity through a sociological lens. Examines race and ethnicity as an organizing principle of identity, interactions and social institutions with focus on social structures, inequalities, and power. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC225 5cr Sociology of the Family: Diversity
Focuses on a sociological approach to the social institution of the family including historical, multi-cultural and contemporary theoretical perspectives. Examines the micro (interpersonal) and macro (societal) approaches in studying the family. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC235 5cr Sociology of Gender: Diversity
Focuses on the social construction of gender and gender inequalities. Examines gender as an organizing principle of identity, interactions, and social institutions. Other topics include media, family, culture, relationships, health, and intersectionality with race and social class. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC255 5cr Globalization: Diversity
Introduces cultural, economic, and political globalization from a sociological perspective, including the institutions, processes, and controversies that make up global society. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC275 5cr Sociology of Sexuality: Diversity
Focuses on the social construction and regulation of sexuality. Examines diverse sexualities as they relate to individual and group identities, interactions, institutions, inequality, and intersectionality. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC285 5cr Food and Society: Diversity
Focuses on a sociological and cultural understanding of food, and the social and cultural processes that shape how food is produced, consumed and distributed. Explores food as identity, entertainment, health, and social justice. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
Choose One Elective (2-5cr)

ASTR&100 5cr Survey of Astronomy
Covers the origin, characteristics, and evolution of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and universe. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
ASTR&115 5cr Stars, Galaxies, & Cosmos
Introduces the origin, structure, scale, and evolution of the universe with emphasis on star classification and life cycles, galaxy structure and formation, and cosmological theories. Laboratory projects include night sky observations and analysis of stars and galaxies based on catalog and photographic data. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL&100 5cr Survey of Biology
Introduces foundational biological concepts, including ecology, evolution, heredity and organismal and cellular structure and physiology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL&175 5cr Human Biology W/Lab
Covers elementary anatomy and physiology of the human body. Appropriate for non-majors (not for Nursing or Biology majors). Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL180 5cr Introduction to Marine Biology
Introduces students to the marine environment including principles of marine biology. Explores the interrelatedness of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the sea and the organisms that live in it. Also discusses the human impact on the ocean. Field trip(s) required. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BOT101 5cr Introduction to Botany
Provides an overview of plant science, emphasizing plant form and function, life processes, diversity, genetics, propagation and biotechnology, and ecology. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
CHEM&131 5cr Introduction to Organic/Biochemistry
Continues the general, organic, and biochemistry series for nursing and allied health majors. Focuses on general structure, function, properties, and chemical reactions of major organic and biochemical compounds. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
ENVS&100 5cr Survey of Environmental Science
Explores the workings of planet Earth in terms of living organisms and non-living resources, including roles that human activities play in the world around us. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
NUTR&101 5cr Nutrition
Surveys the nutritional needs for individuals ranging from infants to adults. Emphasis is placed on the basic principles of nutrition. Particularly suitable for health occupation students. Prior high school chemistry or biology course or equivalent strongly recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
OCEA&101 5cr Introduction to Oceanography W/Lab
Introduces oceanic processes including the physical, chemical, geological, biological and climatological. Labs include both field and laboratory experiences. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
Or Any PE Course

Revision Date:  
Wednesday, May 03, 2023