Do you have an automobile in need of repair? Community members are welcome and encouraged to contact our Automotive Services Department!
We are a nonprofit training facility and all rates, charges, and fees for our services are directly funded back into our program, shop, equipment, and tools. This allows us to offer services at a significant cost reduction compared to many private repair shops.
SPSCC students who are working towards automotive degrees and certificates will address your automotive problems under the direct supervision of our master ASE certified instructors. To prepare for their careers as automotive technicians, the students learn to diagnose and repair problems in a hands-on shop environment.
When you trust us with your automobile, you are supporting our students’ curriculum. We are available for select customer service projects during SPSCC’s fall, winter, and spring quarters.
If you have a vehicle that needs repair, please fill out the Automotive Customer Service Repair Form. Please feel free to call us at 360-596-5320 for more information.