Be part of what makes life meaningful—or help bring that meaning to a wider audience—through literature, arts, entertainment, mass media, or news. Whether you want to direct a film, join a theater group, write for an online publication, or paint your masterpiece, you begin by choosing our Cultural Studies Pathway.

Quarter Plan

Search Schedule

Quarter 1

Students have several options for their starting point. Some students may start in our Transition Studies programs: Adult Basic Education, ESL, High School+, and Basic Computer Skills.

Quarter 2

Choose One:

MATH092 5cr Mathematical Reasoning
Introduces operations with rational numbers, applications, problem solving skills, expressions, solving linear equations, and graphing linear relationships.
ABE065 5cr Contextualized Math II
Introduces operations with rational numbers, applications and problem solving skills, expressions, solving linear equations, and graphing linear relationships through direct instruction and contextualized application. Prepares students for high school completion, employment, or MATH& 107/MATH& 146 with concurrent MATH 096 enrollment. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or an 'S' in ABE 064 or a 'U, P, V, W' in ABE 065.
Choose One:

ENGL090 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing I
Introduces students to college-level reading and writing. Focuses on reading strategies, critical thinking, and writing unified paragraphs. ENGL 090 classes are combined with ENGL 095 classes, and students who demonstrate ENGL 095 proficiency may earn ENGL 095 credit. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or an �S� in ABE 054, ABE 055, ESL 065, ESL 066, IE 065, or IE 066.
ENGL095 5cr Integrated Reading and Writing II
Prepares students for entry into college-level writing courses. Focuses on reading analytically, thinking critically, and writing coherent, well-supported texts. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement based on Reading & English CPT scores or transition test.

CCS101 3cr Pathways to Success
Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners.

Quarter 3

Choose One: (5cr-7cr)

CMATH107 5cr Clippers Math In Society
Gives students the opportunity to complete MATH& 107 in one quarter with prerequisite support as needed. Explores a variety of mathematical topics presenting mathematics as an art and as a tool for understanding the world around us. Designed for non-science majors. Specific topics may be drawn from geometry, number theory, set theory, and the history of mathematics. Students will earn credit for either MATH 095 or MATH& 107 at the conclusion of the course. CLIPPERS courses combine the prerequisite courses with the college-level course and are taught with a focus on video-based instruction. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
CMATH146 7cr Clippers Introduction to Statistics
Gives students the opportunity to complete MATH& 146 in one quarter with prerequisite support, as needed. Covers basic probability and descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will earn credit for either MATH 095 and MATH 096 or MATH 096 and MATH& 146 at the conclusion of the course. CLIPPERS courses combine the prerequisite courses with the college-level course and are taught with a focus on video-based instruction. . Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose One:

ENGL&101 5cr English Composition I
Develops strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas and participate in multiple discourse communities. Focuses on both the process and product of composing. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

ANTH&100 5cr Survey of Anthropology
Surveys past and present human biological, cultural and linguistic variation and evolution. Incorporates an overview of the anthropological subfields: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology and Linguistic Anthropology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
ANTH&206 5cr Cultural Anthropology: Diversity
Surveys the diversity of human cultural systems and the forces and effects of globalization. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
SOC&101 5cr Introduction to Sociology: Diversity
Focuses on sociological terms, theories and research; the study of humans in relation to their environment and culture; and sociological analysis of collective behavior and social interaction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "B-" or better in ENGL 095 or a "C" or better in ENGL 098. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC&201 5cr Social Problems: Diversity
Uses sociological perspectives to examine social issues and solutions, including racism, gender discrimination, economic inequality, and other contemporary public controversies. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC116 5cr Psychology of Human Relations: Diversity
Introduces students to the psychology of human relationships. Examines how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact communication in a multicultural world. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 4

ENGL&102 5cr Composition II
Develops reading, writing and critical thinking skills at the advanced level. Teaches how to write academic papers by conducting research; analyzing, evaluating and constructing arguments; documenting sources and using appropriate writing conventions. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Humanities (5cr)

ART116 5cr Art In America: Diversity
Presents an overview of American and North American Indigenous and under-represented people's artistic production from the late 17th through the mid-20th centuries with a focus on the cultural, social, and political implications through the analysis of American paintings, sculpture, photography, and architecture. This course emphasizes self-awareness of one's relationship to power and privilege as a product of art history. $12.00 Humanities Course Fee
HUM119 5cr History of Popular Music: Diversity
Explores the social histories and musical forms of popular music with an emphasis on sociopolitical contexts of popular music genres as expressions of cultural traditions and commodities in the global marketplace. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM121 5cr Multicultural America: Diversity
Explores the history, cultures, and contributions of race and ethnic groups in the United States and the complex notion of an 'American' identity. Analyzes the impacts of power, privilege, and socialization on our understanding of race and ethnicity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL102 5cr Ethics
Studies historical and recent views on such issues as the nature of good and evil, right and wrong, justice, rights, the rational grounds for moral responsibility and moral decision making, and the objectivity of moral values. Addresses both traditional and contemporary moral problems. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

HIST&146 5cr US History I
Briefly covers pre-European contact America through the Mexican American War. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&147 5cr US History II
Covers the political, social, and cultural history of the United States from the Texas Revolution through World War I and the rise of the U.S. as a world power. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
HIST&148 5cr US History III
Covers the political, social and cultural history of the United States from 1920 to the present. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 5

ANTH&205 5cr Biological Anthropology
Explores the interplay of human biology and culture based on evolutionary theory focusing on genetics, primate studies, human evolution, and human biological variation. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
Choose One Humanities (5cr)

ART116 5cr Art In America: Diversity
Presents an overview of American and North American Indigenous and under-represented people's artistic production from the late 17th through the mid-20th centuries with a focus on the cultural, social, and political implications through the analysis of American paintings, sculpture, photography, and architecture. This course emphasizes self-awareness of one's relationship to power and privilege as a product of art history. $12.00 Humanities Course Fee
FILM116 5cr Introduction to Film Studies
Examines cinema through the study of film form, style, genre, and theory. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM&116 5cr Humanities I - Language, Thought, and Culture
Explores how literature, art, film, television, music, or other modes of creative expression create meaning and shape our understanding of culture. Specific course themes and texts will vary based on instructor's area of expertise. Students may contact the instructor for a course specific description. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM119 5cr History of Popular Music: Diversity
Explores the social histories and musical forms of popular music with an emphasis on sociopolitical contexts of popular music genres as expressions of cultural traditions and commodities in the global marketplace. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM121 5cr Multicultural America: Diversity
Explores the history, cultures, and contributions of race and ethnic groups in the United States and the complex notion of an 'American' identity. Analyzes the impacts of power, privilege, and socialization on our understanding of race and ethnicity. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM140 5cr World Religions
Explores the major global traditions of religious thinking, belief, practice, and community. Identifies the historical development and cultural diversity of religious expression in both the West and the East. Explores the impacts of modernity on religious practice and expression. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
HUM180 5cr Popular Culture In America
Introduces issues related to popular and mass culture as a vehicle for communicating social and political ideologies in American society. Includes the study of media, advertising, and theories of cultural criticism. Fees: $12.00 humanities/Communications Course Fee
PHIL102 5cr Ethics
Studies historical and recent views on such issues as the nature of good and evil, right and wrong, justice, rights, the rational grounds for moral responsibility and moral decision making, and the objectivity of moral values. Addresses both traditional and contemporary moral problems. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
Choose One Social Science (5cr)

ANTH&100 5cr Survey of Anthropology
Surveys past and present human biological, cultural and linguistic variation and evolution. Incorporates an overview of the anthropological subfields: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology and Linguistic Anthropology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
ANTH&206 5cr Cultural Anthropology: Diversity
Surveys the diversity of human cultural systems and the forces and effects of globalization. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Social Science Course Fee
SOC&101 5cr Introduction to Sociology: Diversity
Focuses on sociological terms, theories and research; the study of humans in relation to their environment and culture; and sociological analysis of collective behavior and social interaction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "B-" or better in ENGL 095 or a "C" or better in ENGL 098. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
SOC&201 5cr Social Problems: Diversity
Uses sociological perspectives to examine social issues and solutions, including racism, gender discrimination, economic inequality, and other contemporary public controversies. Prerequisite: None Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee
PSYC116 5cr Psychology of Human Relations: Diversity
Introduces students to the psychology of human relationships. Examines how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact communication in a multicultural world. Fees: $12.00 Social Science/Business Course Fee

Quarter 6

Choose One Natural Science (5cr)

BIOL&100 5cr Survey of Biology
Introduces foundational biological concepts, including ecology, evolution, heredity and organismal and cellular structure and physiology. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural & Applied Sciences Course Fee
ENVS&100 5cr Survey of Environmental Science
Explores the workings of planet Earth in terms of living organisms and non-living resources, including roles that human activities play in the world around us. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
ENVS102 5cr Climate Change & Society
Investigates climate change and environmental systems and explores impacts on human society through differing worldviews. Recommended: ENVS& 100. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
NUTR&101 5cr Nutrition
Surveys the nutritional needs for individuals ranging from infants to adults. Emphasis is placed on the basic principles of nutrition. Particularly suitable for health occupation students. Prior high school chemistry or biology course or equivalent strongly recommended. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee
Choose two General Education Electives (10cr)

Quarter 7

Choose One Natural Science w/ Lab (5cr)

BIOL&160 5cr General Biology W/Lab
Introduces foundational chemical and biological concepts including cell structure and function, metabolism, and genetics. Preparatory for further studies including BIOL& 211 and BIOL& 241. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BIOL180 5cr Introduction to Marine Biology
Introduces students to the marine environment including principles of marine biology. Explores the interrelatedness of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the sea and the organisms that live in it. Also discusses the human impact on the ocean. Field trip(s) required. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
BOT101 5cr Introduction to Botany
Provides an overview of plant science, emphasizing plant form and function, life processes, diversity, genetics, propagation, biotechnology, and ecology. Prerequisite: None Fees: $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee; $12.00 Natural and Applied Sciences Course Fee
ENVS103 5cr Climate and Energy Solutions (RETIRED)
Introduces natural and anthropogenic climate change and related effects across geologic and biologic timescales. Reviews current and emerging clean technologies. Recommended: ENVS& 100 or ENVS 102. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee
OCEA&101 5cr Introduction to Oceanography W/Lab
Introduces oceanic processes including the physical, chemical, geological, biological and climatological. Labs include both field and laboratory experiences. Fees: $12.00 Natural Applied Science Course Fee; $35.00 Natural Science Lab Fee

Choose two General Education Electives (10cr)

Quarter 8

Choose one Humanities course (5cr)


CMST&210 5cr Interpersonal Communication: Diversity
Focuses on understanding and developing interpersonal communication skills needed to build and maintain healthy one-on-one relationships in both personal and professional contexts. Examines how diverse communication styles can impact relationships. Prerequisite: None. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST240 5cr Intercultural Communication: Diversity (RETIRED)
Introduces intercultural communication theories and concepts with applications. Explores the communication processes when people enter new cultural context or interact with people who have different cultural identities. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee
CMST260 5cr Communication and Conflict
Focuses on understanding and developing interpersonal conflict skills needed to productively manage conflict in personal and professional contexts. Examines how communication patterns and behaviors contribute to both destructive and constructive management approaches. Fees: $12.00 Humanities/Communications Course Fee

Choose two General Education Electives (10cr)

Revision Date: 
Tuesday July 11, 2023