Tutoring & Learning Support

Learning Support Services (LSS) encourages and empowers SPSCC students to become independent, self-advocating, and resourceful learners through one-on-one and small-group tutoring.

A student looking at a book while a tutor helps them

LSS Centers & Hours

  • LSS East

    Math, Sciences, and Computer Science & OFTEC

    Closed for break - Spring hours begin Monday, April 7th
    Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm
    Friday 11am - 4pm

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  • The Writing Center

    Writing & Language

    Closed for break - Spring hours being Monday, April 7th
    Monday - Thursday 10am - 4pm
    Friday 10am - 2pm

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  • eTutoring


    Sign in to eTutoring any time of day to submit a paper for writing feedback, post a quick question, or meet live with a college tutor.

    Learn More

Interested in Becoming a Tutor?

Do you enjoy helping fellow students and know a thing or two about succeeding in college? Then join our staff!

Learning Support Services is a phenomenal place to work. We accept applications year-round for student tutor positions and intermittently for office assistant positions. LSS leadership uses these applications to create a pool of qualified candidates and makes new hires at various times throughout the year based on the program's needs and funding.

Benefits of being a tutor include:

  • Greater mastery of subject matter
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Improved communication skills
  • Relevant experience on resume and applications
  • Support and community with fellow tutors

Tutor Positions

Elevate your understanding of a subject from good to great—become a tutor! Student tutors share their knowledge and effective study skills with their peers, helping them to succeed in their classes and achieve their educational goals.

To apply for a paid student tutor position in math, writing, computing, accounting, or science, you will need to complete the Student Tutor - STEM & Writing application through our Handshake portal.

Join a team of friendly, student-centered tutoring professionals. Office assistants are the face of Learning Support Services, greeting students as they enter the tutoring centers to make our spaces inviting, inclusive, and productive.

The office assistant position is only available to students with a Work Study award.

You can login to Handshake to see all available student positions on campus, including the LSS office assistant position.

LSS for Faculty

LSS isn't just for students. Faculty can request a Perkins tutor, recommend a student to be a tutor, or schedule a class visit to one of our centers (or we can visit you)!

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Teacher stands next to several students as they look at notebooks on a long desk with computers.