
The Writing Center provides free one-on-one writing tutoring for all currently enrolled SPSCC students. Our tutors offer peer feedback, refer you to trustworthy resources, and help you develop as a writer. We are here to assist you with any writing project, in any subject, and at any stage of the writing process. Gain confidence and new perspectives in your own writing—from essays to applications to short stories and more.

Winter Quarter Hours

Monday through Thursday: 10am - 4pm 

Friday: 10am - 2pm


We are located in the library: Building 22, Room 164

Book an Appointment

Click here to book an appointment in the SPSCC Writing Center!

See the FAQ below for detailed booking instructions. 

Contact Us

(360) 596-5472


eTutoring Writing Lab and Zoom Hours

If you are unable to visit the Writing Center in person, you can still get help for all of your writing needs through the eTutoring Writing Lab and Zoom rooms. Log into eTutoring to see the full Zoom room schedule, which typically has a range of hours throughout the week and on the weekend!

Writing Lab: Submit a writing project to the eTutoring Writing Lab and receive asynchronous feedback within 24 - 48 hours. 

eTutoring Zoom Rooms: If you prefer to speak to someone online in a face-to-face format, you can join one of the eTutoring writing Zoom rooms! You can find the Zoom room schedule below (or on the eTutoring platform).

According to Ibram X. Kendi, “Being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination.” These are some of the tenets on which we base our antiracist practices.
At the heart of Learning Support Services is our vision: “empowered learners, inclusive learning spaces.” We aim to foster a space where every student feels safe, respected, and heard.  

We recognize that at all levels of society—including SPSCC and the Writing Center—racist ideas, practices, and policies work together to threaten, disparage, and silence people of color. We also recognize that because racism is pervasive and thrives on the status quo, doing nothing or staying “neutral” perpetuates the problem.  
As a staff committed to the success of every student at the college, it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to disrupt and dismantle white supremacy[1]. We share the antiracist goal of actively changing  policies, behaviors, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas and actions. Standing in solidarity with students of color, we dedicate ourselves to address racism in the following ways.

We affirm that...  

  • there are no inherently correct or superior forms of spoken or written English 
  • all forms of English deserve to be recognized and valued  
  • Standard American English, the default of academic communication, marginalizes other ways of communicating, often those used by people of color  
  • the ability to use multiple languages and dialects is an asset, not a hindrance; it is a competence, not a deficiency  
  • writing is about conveying ideas, reaching one’s audience, and reflecting personal experience and identity; it is not about conforming to a prescriptive standard of correctness  
  • prioritizing a prescriptive standard of correctness over the expression of ideas perpetuates white supremacy 
  • adherence to specific sets of grammar rules and clarity are two distinct issues
  • antiracism work requires acknowledging privilege

We strive to...  

  • actively resist racist ideas, practices, policies, and expressions
    center students’ agency, voices, and experiences
  • promote inclusion and celebration of all cultures and peoples
  • welcome students as they are, encouraging them to bring their authentic selves
  • emphasize effective communication, rhetorical choice, and personal expression over adherence to a prescriptive standard of correctness  
  • create a brave space where we invite dialogue and inquiry regarding racism and social justice  
  • advocate for students of color navigating a white dominant institution and
  • partner with other areas of the college to challenge racist policies and promote antiracism
  • identify and eliminate our own racist ideas through developing our understanding of racial inequities, antiracist strategies, and our own biases through ongoing research, professional development, and discussion and revision of this statement  


What this looks like in practice…

  • honoring, cultivating awareness around, and strengthening students’ voices and diverse linguistic backgrounds during tutoring sessions
  • maintaining antiracism, Safe Zone, and other inclusive standards in the Writing Center--while our goal is always to help students engage in thoughtful dialogue about their ideas and learning processes, we will ask students who express hurtful or discriminatory ideas and language that could make others feel unsafe or unwelcome to leave the Center
  • developing antiracism resources, trainings, readings, conversations, and other professional development opportunities for our staff
  • working closely with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center to maintain a conversation about how to best support SPSCC students
    helping students advocate for their languaging choices with instructors and others
  • prioritizing students in ELL and other language classes to create a multilingual Writing Center
  • regularly offering opportunities for student feedback about tutoring, such as our quarterly student satisfaction surveys, and then listening to and responding to this feedback

This statement was written collaboratively by the SPSCC Writing Center staff. For more information about the statement, stop by the Writing Center in 22-101 to chat or contact Learning Support Services at learningsupport@spscc.edu.  For support and information about diversity-related programming at SPSCC, visit the DEIC.  For further resources on antiracism education, we recommend the National Education Association, Tema Okun, or Asao B. Inoue.

[1] By “white supremacy,” we have in mind the National Education Association’s definition: “a form of racism centered upon the belief that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds and that whites should politically, economically, and socially dominate non-whites. While often associated with violence perpetrated by the KKK and other white supremacist groups, it also describes a political ideology and systemic oppression that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical and/or industrial white domination.” Read more at https://www.nea.org/resource-library/white-supremacy-culture-resources. 

Author and speaker Alok Vaid-Menon says, “We live in a society that presumes everyone as heterosexual and binary gendered before giving them a chance to come into themselves. Society asks – no, demands – that LGBTQIA+ people agree with this and be exposed to it through our curriculums and television screens. When we ask for even a fraction of this consideration, we are seen as too much. This is a prejudiced double standard.”

SPSCC Learning Support Services (LSS) stands in solidarity with our diverse campus community. The tutoring centers are Safe Zones, meaning we welcome students without judgment based on their gender or sexual identities and that students and other campus community members can turn to us for support when they feel unsafe. Diversity is a strength, and we will stand by our transgender and queer students and staff. We honor the resilience of those whose identities reach beyond the arbitrary binaries of gender and sexual orientation, those whose identities have been historically marginalized or erased from historical records, and those who are still learning about themselves.

We affirm…

We strive to…

  • honor students' and staff’s unique perspectives and experiences
  • support our queer, trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming students in feeling safe, seen, and heard on campus
  • hold space for respectful and educational discussions on LGBTQIA+ topics that arise in writing
  • seek continual professional and personal growth through workshops, research, and practice

What this can look like in practice:

  • asking for and using students’ and staff’s correct pronouns and names
  • displaying sensitivity around the fact that sometimes students’ name listed in the college systems are incorrect 
  • prioritizing critical information literacy in our tutoring practices and professional development opportunities
  • supporting students in finding reliable information on LGBTQIA+ topics when relevant to their writing and research
  • guiding students to appropriate resources and channels to handle complaints of discriminatory behavior on campus
  • accepting student feedback on their experiences in LSS and implementing changes accordingly
  • maintaining antiracism, Safe Zone, and other inclusive standards in the Writing Center--while our goal is always to help students engage in thoughtful dialogue about their ideas and learning processes, we will ask students to leave the Center if they  express hurtful or discriminatory ideas and language that make others feel unsafe or unwelcome

Language describes culture and culture informs language. By using the power of language to embrace diversity, we shape the culture of our writing center, propelling our campus community towards a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

For more resources, we recommend the National Education Association, Gender Spectrum, or SPSCC’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center.

Our on-campus location is in the library. Find us in Building 22, Room 164. Please visit the Hours section above for more information.

When you visit in person, the first thing to do is sign in at the computer kiosk located directly inside the door. If you have come in to do some work, just pull up a chair and get to it! If you are here for an appointment, just let the office assistant at the front desk know.

Similarly, if you choose to visit us during our Zoom hours, you will be greeted by one of our staff members, who will work with you to address your writing needs. Just keep in mind that Zoom hours are by appointment only. 

You can book an appointment in the SPSCC Writing Center by clicking here

Please see the attached document (below) for detailed scheduling directions with screenshots. 

You can also schedule by visiting us in person, calling 360-596-5472, or emailing learningsupport@spscc.edu. If you email, please include in your message:

  • your name
  • your SID number
  • the desired day and time
  • the class or project you are working on

Appointments may be scheduled weeks ahead of time, and you may also choose to have recurring weekly appointments. We love working with writers more than once!

You can schedule a maximum of 3 hours per week of tutoring time in the Writing Center. Appointments are 25 minutes long by default, but you can request 50 minutes if you have a larger project. 

Appointments are recommended but not required. You are also always welcome to just come in and utilize our space to get your work done. If you visit us and a tutor is not already with another student, we will be happy to help you then. However, an appointment is the only way to guarantee an available tutor.

Note, too, that during busy times of the quarter—typically around midterms and before finals—our appointment schedule tends to fill up two to three days in advance. For that reason, we encourage you to schedule appointments ahead of time rather than try to schedule for the same day. As much as possible, come early and come often!

Arrive a few minutes ahead of time and bring the following:

  • the assignment instructions and relevant class notes
  • your questions
  • your most recent draft (if you have one)

Nothing! All tutoring on campus is free.

Our tutors are a mix of current and former SPSCC students and qualified learning support technicians. 

eTutoring is a great option for you. Simply log in to eTutoring and meet with a tutor in a Zoom room or upload an essay draft, and within 24 to 48 hours you will receive personalized feedback from a trained online writing tutor

You can also access useful handouts, videos, and links at our LSS Resources webpage.