Summer Running Start

Earn college credits when you take SPSCC classes this summer! Current and new Running Start students are welcome to join! If you have additional questions, please email

Summer Running Start is available for the following student groups for summer 2025

Student Group Maximum Summer Credits What to do Next
I am a current sophomore for the 2024-2025 school year and will be a NEW Running Start junior in fall 2025 10 credits Follow the admissions steps on the Running Start webpage and fill out the Summer RSEVF
I am a current junior for the 2024-2025 school year and will be a NEW Running Start senior in fall 2025 10 credits Follow the admissions steps on the Running Start webpage and fill out the Summer RSEVF
I am a CURRENT Running Start student for the 2024-2025 school year who is NOT graduating high school in June 2025 Remaining balance of the 1.40 FTE up to 10 credits Meet with your SPSCC Educational Planner & High School Counselor to fill out the Summer RSEVF

SPSCC registers summer and fall quarter together, so make sure you are planning and registering for both quarters if applicable!

Students do not need to do the Under Age 18 Enrollment Request form for summer Running Start participation. New students need to follow the admissions and registration steps for Running Start to register for both summer and fall classes. Submit the appropriate RSEVF form based on the chart above. You will also submit a traditional RSEVF in addition to your summer form if you are continuing on to take fall quarter classes next year.

Summer Quarter Dates

  • : New Student Registration Begins

  • : Tuition & Fees Due

  • : Summer Admissions Deadline

  • : First Day of Classes

  • : Finals Week

  • : Grades Post

You should build your summer schedule with your high school counselor to make the most of the credits! Here are what we recommend and see many RS students do during summer term with success:

  • College & Career Success Courses: CCS 101 is a required course for all SPSCC students within your first two quarters of enrollment at the college. Taking CCS 101 along with CCS 102, 103 or 104 is a five credit block and will satisfy the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) requirement for most high schools. You can look at your school’s Running Start Equivalency List to see what combination works for your school.
  • Art, P.E. and Elective Courses: Many students like to wrap up their Fine Arts, P.E. or take an elective class for high school during summer quarter before diving into their “core” academic courses for the rest of the year.
  • Credit Recovery Courses: If you have classes that you need to repeat for high school, summer can be a great time to focus in on that coursework and get caught up on your credit to start back on track in the fall.
  • AMATH & CMATH Courses: If based on your Math placement you need to take an AMATH or CMATH course, it is best to take these over summer quarter because Running Start cannot pay the tuition on the AMATH and CMATH courses. These courses are a unique blend of pre-college and college level math in the same course. You have the potential to earn college math credit at the end of the quarter based on your performance in the course.
  • SPSCC Degree Required Courses: For students wanting to complete an Associate Degree at SPSCC but who only want to go part time during the Fall to Spring term or need to take other classes outside of their degree to meet high school graduation requirements, summer classes help you stay on track to finish your degree on time!

How Long is Summer Quarter?

Summer quarter is only 8 weeks long! It runs from the beginning of July to the end of August.   
Students are encouraged to take no more than 10 credits in summer because of the short length of the term. It is critical that students attend all 8 weeks of the quarter; if you are planning on a summer vacation or other time that will keep you away from class, summer classes might not be a good fit for you.

Students need to consider:

  • If taking classes in person, you MUST be able to show up every class day. 
  • If taking classes virtually, you MUST be able to get online with reliable internet access or come to campus to work in the Library or Learning Support Centers.
  • Because the term is so short, students will NOT get excused from class to be gone for family vacations or conflicting work hours.

Tuition, Fees, Books & Support

Tuition & Fees

Starting summer 2024, Summer Running Start covers tuition costs, up to 10 credits, for qualifying summer students just like the rest of the academic year. Students are responsible for all course fees and additionally, the cost of tuition beyond funding limits or when enrolling in AMATH or CMATH courses. While there is no Federal or State financial aid support available to Running Start students, students can set up a payment plan through SPSCC for what they owe. Students are responsible for adhering to the payment deadlines for all enrolled classes.

If you are taking summer classes beyond your funding limits or taking AMATH or CMATH, you will have some tuition to pay out of pocket. You must fill out the Dual Credit Residency form to be charged the appropriate tuition rate.

Dual Credit Residency Form

Once completed Dual Credit Residency update forms must be turned into SPSCC for processing. Email the completed form to or bring it to the Start Here counter in Building 22 on the Olympia Campus.

Books & Supplies

Books and supplies are the responsibility of the student. Running Start students that qualify for Fee Waiver can apply for the Book Borrow program.

Transportation & Virtual Connections

Transportation to on-campus classes, technology, and internet connection to support online learning are the responsibility of the student. There are many places on campus to access free WiFi, use a computer and print that students are welcome to access during the summer.

Advising & Support During Summer

SPSCC services are open all summer long!  We do not close like the high schools. You can access all services in person at the Olympia campus and many services have virtual options too!

  • Have someone look over your essay or paper;
  • Get help with math functions;
  • Check out books or resources from the Library;
  • Meet with your Educational & Career Planner; and
  • Much more!