Wait Lists

SPSCC maintains a Wait List for many courses if they become full. Students are placed on the Wait List in chronological order (first come, first served) and can be on a maximum of five Wait Lists at a time. If an opening occurs in a class, the student at the top of the Wait List will automatically be enrolled in that class.

We'll notify you through your SPSCC email if you are enrolled in a class from the Wait List. It's your responsibility to check your Wait List status on a daily basis.

  • Check the Wait List
  • Once enrolled in a course from the Wait List, students have one business day to make any payments (if it is after the tuition due date) and adjustments to their schedule that are necessary to resolve time, credit load, or duplicative section conflicts. If there are conflicts and the student does not adjust their schedule, they will automatically be dropped from the last class added to their schedule (the Wait Listed course) to resolve the conflict.
  • Our Wait List job runs at 7 a.m. on college operational days. Check your class schedule after 8 a.m. on college operational days so that you can adjust your schedule within the one-business-day deadline.
  • You are responsible for making sure your schedule is accurate by dropping any unwanted classes. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade being posted to your transcript and possible additional tuition and fees.

The Wait List will turn OFF on:

  • Summer - The Tuesday before the quarter begins
  • Fall, Winter, and Spring - The Thursday before the quarter begins

You will be dropped from the class if:

  • You become enrolled in more than 18 credits without an Excess Credit Request on file with Enrollment Services.
  • You have tuition or fees outstanding, a parking fine, financial aid fine, or other fine or block that bars registration.
  • You have been Academically Dismissed
  • You have not met the prerequisites for the class
  • You are enrolled in two or more different sections of the same class
  • You have a time conflict with another class


Check the Tuition & Refund Policy for important tuition and refund information and due dates.

Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Class

Add, Drop, or Withdraw Form

Online Form

If you encounter any problems with the online form, please use the PDF version below.