Records Request Procedure

Requests for public records to South Puget Sound Community College may be made in writing or by email to the College’s Public Records Officer. As a state agency, the college is subject to the provisions of the Washington state public disclosure laws (RCW 42.56) governing access to public records and will respond accordingly. There may be exemptions to disclosure that may prohibit the college from releasing certain documents. The College will provide a brief explanation for any exemption to disclosure.

All written and electronically-processed records prepared by South Puget Sound Community College shall be available for public inspection with limited exceptions, i.e., student information/records, personnel records, etc.

How to Make a Public Records Request

Send a written request to us, which should include:

  • your name, full mailing address, email address and telephone number;
  • a detailed description of the requested record(s); and
  • Indicate whether you will:
    • review records at the college; or
    • request paper copies to be mailed; or
    • receive documents electronically; or
    • have documents emailed, when appropriate.

It may be helpful for you to use the Public Records Request Form (below).

Send your request by email or mail:


Mail to:
Public Records Officer/Human Resources Office
South Puget Sound Community College
2011 Mottman Rd. SW
Olympia, WA 98512

What Happens After a Request is Submitted

Within 5 business days of receiving a request the college will:

  • provide copies or provide an estimate of when the records will be available; or
  • reply that no responsive documents exist; or
  • acknowledge the request and ask for additional clarification(s); or
  • provide applicable exemption(s).


Records not exempt may contain personal or other information which may require us to notify affected individual(s) of the request. We may provide affected individual(s) a reasonable opportunity to seek court protection from disclosure.

Additional Questions

Are There Costs? There generally is no cost for electronic copies.

What Are My Options If My Request is Denied?

Provide a written request for review to the Records Officer. Then, the request will be reviewed by the College president or his/her designee.

College Records Index

  1. Annual budgets
  2. Annual reports
  3. Audited financial statements
  4. Awards of federal, state, and municipal government grants
  5. Campus Safety Standard Operating Procedures
  6. Community and Technical Colleges Records Retention Schedule
  7. Contracts and agreements
  8. Course catalog
  9. Final Orders, Declaratory Orders, and Interpretive Statements - None
  10. Institutional Surveys
  11. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accreditation
  12. Policies
  13. Program accreditations and certifications
  14. Salaries and benefits of public employees
  15. Security and Fire Safety Report for South Puget Sound Community College
  16. Strategic Plan
  17. SPSCC accreditations
  18. SPSCC Board of Trustees Minutes
  19. Title IX
  20. Winning bids for public contracts

Exemptions and Limitations

Records generally considered exempt from disclosure under the law (RCW 42.56) include:

  • Documents exempted from disclosure by statute;
  • Student records and transcripts
  • Criminal record information;
  • Personnel or medical files or information;
  • Any material or data relating to a specifically named individual, the disclosure of which may constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
  • Inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters relating to policy positions being developed by the College;
  • Personal notes or materials not maintained as part of the College s official files;
  • Investigatory materials compiled by law enforcement or investigatory officials the disclosure of which would prejudice the possibility of effective law enforcement;
  • Proposals and bids to enter into a contract or agreement before the contract or agreement is awarded of finally rejected;
  • Real property appraisals;
  • Test information, including questions, answers, scoring keys and other materials used to develop, administer or score a test, examination or assessment instrument;
  • Blueprints, plans, policies, procedures and schematic drawings, which relate to internal layout and structural elements, security measures, emergency preparedness, threat or vulnerability assessments, or any other records relating to the security or safety of persons, buildings, structures, facilities, utilities, transportation or other infrastructure located within the commonwealth, the disclosure of which, in the reasonable judgment of the custodian is likely to jeopardize public safety;
  • Home addresses and phone numbers of State employees; and
  • Home addresses and phone numbers of a family member of a State employee.

Related Policies & Laws

SPSCC Policy:

RCW 42.56