Supervisor Guide to On-Boarding

If you are a supervisor and will be hiring a new employee, here are the things you should know before hand to ensure that your new employee has the tools to be successful on day one.

Account Creation

As soon as HR has a signed acceptance letter, staff will enter their information into ctcLink and also create an IT on-boarding ticket. Once a new employee is made active in ctcLink, they will automatically be sent an email walking them through the account activation process so they can activate both their ctcLink and SPSCC accounts (ctcLinkID and ClipperID). 

Standard Equipment and Software

Depending on the department and position, IT Services will secure the following for the new employee;

  • Standard desktop computer with standard employee software loadset
  • Office phone
  • Access to standard software applications including email, Office365, ctcLink, Compass and Canvas if applicable.
  • Local printer connection

Specialized Needs

IT will reach out to you (the supervisor) to let you know we are beginning the on-boarding process. If your new employee has any custom technology needs, please let us know so we can schedule a quick half-hour virtual meeting to nail down the details. Some things to consider before the meeting:

  • Will my employee be working remotely? (This has implications on the computer provided).
  • Will my new employee need access to additional applications? (e.g., Smartsheet, Medicat, Navigate360) 
  • Will my new employee need specific functional access to ctcLink (e.g., purchasing, travel, etc..)  
  • Will my new employee need specialized software installed on their computer? (e.g., graphics tools, media tools)
  • Will my new employee need access to additional file shares, email lists or phone trees?


If your new employee has specialized technology needs, please respond the the IT Services email as promptly as possible! If we can be provided with any additional information at least 48 hours prior to the start date of your new employee, there will be no problem getting them setup and ready to go. 

Please note; elevated ctcLink roles and permissions have a longer lead time due to the complexity of configuring ctcLink and the approval process. Custom ctcLink access will not be applied to any new employee prior to their official start date.