
In early 2019 I stumbled upon a remarkable, and very old, Shingon Buddhist shrine in a museum in Paris.   The centerpiece of the shrine is a flame-wrapped serpent (Kurikara), a manifestation of the great protector-king Fudo Myo-o.  The artistic imagery and technical skill of that masterpiece artwork has been on my mind ever since.  Years later, the echoes of that encounter find their way into 'Axis Mundi', a continuation of my journey exploring a changing sense of the sacred in a natural world facing so much change.

Axis Mundi - the cosmic pillar that holds together the realms of the world, both heavenly and earthly; a point of connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.   The flames found throughout Buddhist artwork, symbolic of both purification and transformation, are a fitting, if sobering, reminder of a modern world beginning to burn in the heat of a changing climate.  As temperatures rise across the planet, habitats for wildlife like this magnificent reptile are often compressed or even eliminated altogether, threatening the long-term future of many valuable species.


Charles currently lives and creates art in Olympia, Washington.  Prior to establishing his art career, Charles was a research scientist.  Museums, shrines, and wild places are favorite destinations.