
I cut paper chains and let them unfold in unplanned patterns. Then, laying the cut paper onto wet clay forms, I sponge on water to wear down the clay leaving the raised paper patterns behind. These pots enter the kiln unglazed. It is the wood ash burning through the kiln over many hours and days that falls on each pot, leaving colorful and glassy layers. These pieces are a practice and reward of inviting chance – in the ash-adorned surfaces and patterns unfolding.


Maia Erickson is an artist from Olympia, WA. She has worked with ceramics since 2015 and developed her practice through a rich medley of community studio programs, college courses, regional firings and national workshops including programs at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Tennessee and Penland School of Craft in North Carolina. She makes work within the bustling rhythm of her home and farm, in the company of two large dogs, three other adults, two goats, a horse, and about a thousand chickens.