
I am fascinated by time, particularly geologic time. Marcia Bjornerud in her book

"Timefulness" says it beautifully;

"Fathoming deep time is arguably geology's single greatest contribution to humanity."

The mid-Atlantic oceanic trench is widening at about one inch per year. This trench runs from Iceland (where it is visible to the end of South America. In parts of the trench, smoking vents spew out steam that almost magically attract organisms that thrive on whatever is spewing out of the earth's boiling core. This phenomenon is what l am currently exploring in my painting practice.


Mary has been examining her response to the natural world for many years. She is primarily self-taught and is inspired by contemporary artists such as James Lavadour and Helen O'Toole. Her work has been shown throughout the Pacific Northwest and is included in private corporate and public collections.