
Michele Burton is a Pacific Northwest native. Growing up in Seattle meant that the outdoors were an extension of the living room. Many happy hours were spent hiking, bicycling, camping and hanging out at the Ocean beaches. Add in a heavy dose of curiosity and it is no wonder that Michele's path led to photography.

Michele has worked in the photo industry for nearly 40 years. The past 2 decades have been spent as a freelance photographer and teacher. Michele spent 15 years teaching photography at Bellevue College and continues to tutor students one-on-one. In addition, she works as a commercial photographer, specializing in environmental issues. She has been Thurston County Stream Team's photographer since 2014.

In 2018, Michele's mosaic design honoring Olympia music legend Bert Wilson was installed on 5th Avenue in downtown Olympia. Two of her designs have been chosen for Olympia's Traffic Box Wrap program. And, a group of Michele's botanical images is part of Swedish Hospital's permanent collection.

Michele makes her home in Olympia.

Artist Statement:

When I am out photographing, I ask myself what I see. And, then I ask what I want to see. I enjoy looking beyond the ordinary in hopes of unearthing the extraordinary in everyday things.