
These works are from an ongoing series of paintings titled “Sky Doors” that began simply with my constant amazement at the ever-changing color and forms in the skies here in this Northwest land of clouds.  It was also influenced by my long-standing interest in mythology, where the sky is universally understood as a portal to a different land.   I started thinking of it as a portal to all times and places at the same time, or as an invitation to seeing through time and space.


Susan received her MA in art from the Ohio State University.  She joined the faculty at The Evergreen State College in 1974 and taught ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture and art history there until retiring as Faculty Emerita in 2018 to pursue her creative work fulltime.  Her artworks are in numerous public and private art collections, including the Washington State Arts Commission Public Art Collection, the Seattle Portable Works Collection, The City of Olympia Portable Works Collection, The Bainbridge Island Art Museum Cynthia Spears Collection, and The University of Washington Book Arts Collection, among others.