CTE Dual Credit

Earn college credits when you take SPSCC classes at your high school!

Two students walk and talk on a campus sidewalk, greenery around

CTE Dual Credit at SPSCC

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual credit is a statewide program that allows high school students to earn college credit for CTE classes taught by their high school teachers on the high school campus.

Save money on college tuition

CTE Dual Credit students earn college credit for FREE! There is no cost for students taking courses articulated through the South Sound Consortium. Students only need to earn a “B” or better grade in their CTE Dual Credit course.

Enjoy college curriculum in your high school environment

Stay at your high school with your friends and participate in all the normal high school activities while still earning college credit! With CTE Dual Credit, your high school instructor has aligned their curriculum with the college outcomes and course content so college comes to you instead of you coming to the college.

Prepare for employment

Classes offered through CTE Dual Credit focus on supporting career pathways for high school students by completing competency-based coursework grounded by industry-defined skill standards. Courses are designed to be academically rigorous and contextualized, preparing students for further education and employment in their career fields.

Ready to join CTE Dual Credit?

CTE Dual Credit Admissions